CPM Server Management

About this task

The steps below are for experienced BigFix administrators who just need a list for tasks involving the CPM server.

The procedures include:

Activating Analyses


  1. In the console navigation pane, click Endpoint Protection > Core Protection Module > Analyses.
  2. In the upper right pane, sort the Name column in alphabetical order.
  3. Select all the Core Protection Module analyses.
  4. Right-click the list you have selected and click Activate.

Removing CPM Server Components


  1. Click Endpoint Protection > Core Protection Module > Deployment > Uninstall.
  2. Click Core Protection Module - Remove Server Components in the list of Actions that appears.

Upgrading CPM Server Components


  1. Click Endpoint Protection > Core Protection Module > Deployment > Upgrade.
  2. Click Core Protection Module - Upgrade Server Components in the list of Actions that appears.

Removing the CPM Site


  1. In the console, click Endpoint Protection > All Endpoint Protection > Sites > External and select the Trend Core Protection Module.
  2. Click the Remove button, enter your Private Key Password, and then OK.