ActiveUpdate Server Settings Wizard

About this task

Use this Wizard to select the location from where you want to download component updates. You can choose to download from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate (AU) server, a specific update source, or a location on your company intranet.



  • Trend Micro’s ActiveUpdate Server: This location contains the latest available patterns and is typically the best source.

  • Other Update Source: (seldom used) The default location is
  • Intranet location containing a copy of the current file: If you want to use an intranet source for obtaining the latest pattern file update, specify that location here. This is typically used on a temporary basis for one-time updates unless the intranet source is configured to poll and receive updates from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server on a regular basis.



Use a proxy server for pattern and engine updates: If there is a proxy server between the BigFix Server and the pattern update source that you selected, enable this option and provide the location and proxy access credentials.



  • Log Rolling Frequency (1-90): To keep the cumulative size of log files from occupying too much space on the server, you can specify how many days to retain logs. The newest logs will replace oldest after this number of days. The default is 10 days. Logs are stored in the following directory:
  • Number of Updates to Keep on Server (1-100): You can store previous pattern file sets on the server in case you ever need to revert, or roll back to an older file. By default, CPM keeps the current pattern and 15 "snapshots" of the pattern set.