Updates for Linux applications - middleware

With Updates for Linux applications - middleware content site, customer can deploy updates to a vast number of third-party middleware applications.

Prerequisite of Oracle weblogic

Before running the Fixlet, make sure that these prerequisites are met on the Linux system:
  1. Make sure that the latest version of JDK for Oracle weblogic installed at the time of installation.
  2. Make sure that the recommended version of JDK is used for patching Oracle webLogic 12C. For example, use the latest version of JDK 8.

Steps to manage Oracle weblogic on Linux system

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. Search for the oraInst.loc file in installed folder. For example, /etc and /var/opt/oracle directories.
  2. Extract the inventory location from oraInst.loc.
  3. Navigate to the oraInventory folder within the installed folder. For example, /home and /export/home directories.
  4. Use the obtained inventory location to access the inventory.xml file in the ContentsXML directory.
  5. Extract information from inventory.xml to locate specific files, such as registry.xml, in the inventory directory.
  6. Within registry.xml files, filter based on certain criteria:
    1. Nodes with a specific version (e.g., at certain XPath locations (e.g., /a:registry/a:distributions/a:distribution[@status='installed']).
    2. Nodes with names containing "WebLogic".

Patches require pre-caching on the server and need to be manually cached. For example: p36485734_141100_Generic.zip (36485734).

Steps to manage RedHat JBoss on Linux system

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. Search in installed folder for version.txt. For example, /opt/jboss.
  2. Check directories specified by environment variables EAP_HOME and JBOSS_HOME.
  3. Search directories containing "eap" or "jboss" at installed folder. For example, /home.
  4. Search for directories containing "eap" in the installed folder for /opt/rh in their names. For example, directory named wildfly within eap.
  5. Check /etc/default/jboss-eap.conf and /etc/environment for files containing the key JBOSS_HOME.

Patches require pre-caching on the server and need to be manually cached. For example: jboss-eap-7.4.X-patch.zip.

Steps to manage Apache Tomcat on Linux (systemd-based)

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. You need to find .service files in /etc/systemd/system that contain the CATALINA_HOME variable, which specifies the installation location of the software.

Patch files will be automatically cached to the server by the Fixlets.

Steps to manage MariaDB on Linux (RPM or Debian packages)

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. For Linux systems, you can use package management tools to check for the presence and version of mariadb-server.

Patch files will be automatically cached to the server by the Fixlets.

Steps to manage MongoDB on Linux (RPM or Debian packages)

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. For Linux systems, you can use package management tools to check for the presence and version of mongodb-org.

Patch files will be automatically cached to the server by the Fixlets.

Steps to manage Postgresql on Linux (RPM or Debian packages)

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. For Linux systems, you can use package management tools to check for the presence and version of postgresql.

Patch files will be automatically cached to the server by the Fixlets.

Steps to manage IBM MQ on Linux (RHEL or AIX packages)

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. For RHEL systems, check the installed version of the MQSeriesRuntime package using the RPM package manager.
  2. For AIX systems, check the installed version of the mqm.server.rte using the AIX object repository.

Patches require pre-caching on the server and need to be manually cached. For example: 9.1.0-IBM-MQ-LinuxX64-FPX.tar.gz..

Steps to manage IBM WebSphere on Linux

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. For Linux and Unix systems, it checks for files named installed.xml in the installed folders. For example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version or /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version.

Patches require pre-caching on the server and need to be manually cached. For example: 9.0.5-WS-WAS-FPX.zip.

Steps to manage Oracle JDK on Linux

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. For Linux, it can check the RPM or Debian packages on the machine for jdk and its version.

JDK 8 and 11 will be cached manually, while JDK 17 and 21 will be automatically cached using Fixlets.

Steps to manage MySQL on Windows

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. For Linux, it can check the RPM or Debian packages on the machine for ("MySQL-server";"mysql-community-server") and its version.

Patch files will be automatically cached to the server by the Fixlets.

Steps to manage IBM DB2 on Linux

This steps involves locating specific configuration files, extracting information from them, and filtering based on certain criteria:
  1. It checks for files named spec within the .metadata/BASE_DB2_ENGINE directories located under the installed folder /opt/ibm/db2.

Patches require pre-caching on the server and need to be manually cached. For example: V11.5.X_linuxx64_universal_fixpack.tar.gz..