Fully-managed Android devices - QR code enrollment

This page explains provisioning fully-managed Android devices using a QR code.

About this task

IT admins can enroll company-owned, factory-reset Android devices to BigFix Mobile with a QR code. While enrolling, a work profile gets automatically deployed via policy groups configured in WebUI. After enrolling, the device gets a work profile. The organization can manage the enrolled devices through policies in the policy group and through MCM actions. To enroll company-owned Android devices to BigFix Mobile and apply fully-managed profile using QR code, follow these steps:


  1. Login to the BigFix enrolment URL from another device (other than the Android device that you want to enroll) to generate QR code.
    Note: You can generate QR code from a Windows, Apple, or Android device.

    1. Open the enrollment page where you can see the option to select QR enrollment.
    2. Enter Email address and password associated with Active Directory.
    3. Select Enroll using QR code.
    4. Click Enroll.
    After successful authentication, you are redirected to the page where QR code is displayed. This QR code is used for enrollment.
    Note: This QR code expires after 15 minutes. If the QR code expires, you cannot enroll your device with that QR code; therefore, you need to regenerate another one.
  2. Scan the QR code on the Android device that you want to enroll and complete the enrollment.
    1. To open the QR scanner, tap six times on the initial screen of the company-owned, factory-reset Android device.
    2. Scan the QR code. When prompted, Select Wi-Fi, connect to Internet, and tap NEXT.
    3. On the Set up your device screen, tap ACCEPT AND CONTINUE.
    4. Wait for few seconds until the set up completes. Based on the deployed policy group associated with the fully-managed enrollment, work applications and data are gathered in the device.


You have successfully enrolled your Android device to BigFix Mobile and applied a work profile. It might take a few minutes for the enrolled device to show up in the WebUI. Once the device is listed under device list in WebUI, you can manage the device from here.

What to do next

To verify, after successfully enrolling the company-owned, fully-managed device to BigFix Mobile, on the enrolled mobile device, navigate to Settings > Accounts, device users can see Managed Account. Click Managed Account, you can see that it is android for work account.

In WebUI, the device document of the enrolled device shows management mode to be DEVICE_OWNER.