Enrolling through enrollment URL - Apple

Read this section to understand how the users can enroll Apple devices to MDM when the admin shares the enrollment URL.

About this task

Users must visit the enrollment URL that is shared by BigFix administrator (via email or chat). This enrollment URL is the FQDN of the MDM Server (For example, https://enroll-mdm.bigfix.com). After authenticating in this enrollment portal, users must install the enrollment profile on their devices as an administrator.

To enroll the Apple device in MDM, follow these steps:


  1. On the Apple devices, launch a web browser and navigate to the MDM Server URL.

  2. Enter a valid email address and password associated with the Active Directory deployment configured when the MDM Server was set up.
  3. Click Enroll to download the Mac enrollment profile.
  4. OSX opens this Enrollment Profile and shows users the information about the MDM deployment they are about to enroll in. If things look okay, click Install to enroll the device in MDM.