
The UpdateRunbookStatus API is used to update the status of a runbook. The API URL, authentication type, and method type vary depending on the API version being used (V1.0, V1.1, or V2.0). The input JSON includes parameters such as TicketNumber, RbaInteractionId, RbaStatusCode, RbaStatusMessage, and optional values Option1-Option4. The output JSON includes fields like statusCode, status, message, and result, which provide information about the status update.

API version V1.0

API: UpdateRunbookStatus
Purpose: To update the status of runbook.
API URL: http://<API URL>:<API Port>/iAutomateAPI/Request/UpdateRunbookStatus/<OrgID>
Authentication type: Basic
Method Type: PUT
Example: http://localhost:26240/iAutomateAPI/Request/UpdateRunbookStatus/1

Input JSON:


"JobId": 1,

"TicketNumber": "123",

"RbaInteractionId": "145678",

"RbaStatusCode": "1",

"RbaStatusMessage": "BigFix Runbook AI update",

"Option1": "optional value",

"Option2": "optional value",

"Option3": "optional value",

"Option4": "optional value"


Column Column type Expected/sample value Remarks
JobId int 1 The id for the ExecuteRunbook job of the organization with ID mentioned in API URL
TicketNumber string 123 The number of the ticket for which update needs to be sent.
RbaInteractionId string 135 The interaction ID generated for the ticket process.
RbaStatusCode string 1 Refer below table.
RbaStatusMessage string test The message from the RBA tool while updating a ticket.
Option1 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option2 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option3 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option4 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Figure 1. Figure 1- Runbook Status


RbaStatusMessage: Output:


"statusCode": 200,

"status": "Success",

"message": "Runbook status updated successfully",

" result ": null



Column Column type value Remarks
statusCode int

Success = 200,

Error = 300,

RequiredAttributeValueMissing = 400,

Unauthorized = 401,

This field provide status code
status string Success/Fail This field provide status
message string null or message in case of not success
result string de0e3951-4c7b-40ad-b5ce-5993d770c0a9 This field provide unique number for reference

API version V1.1

API: UpdateRunbookStatus
Purpose: To update the status of runbook.
API URL: http://<API URL>:<API Port>/iAutomateAPI/Request/UpdateRunbookStatusV2/<OrgID>
Authentication type: Basic
Method Type: PUT
Example: http://localhost:26240/iAutomateAPI/Request/UpdateRunbookStatusV2/1

Input JSON:


"TicketNumber": "INC01",

"RbaInteractionId": "145678",

"RbaStatusCode": "1",

"RbaStatusMessage": "BigFix Runbook AI update",

"Option1": "optional value",

"Option2": "optional value",

"Option3": "optional value",

"Option4": "optional value"


Column Column type Expected/sample value Remarks
TicketNumber string 123 The number of the ticket for which update needs to be sent.
RbaInteractionId string 135 The interaction ID generated for the ticket process.
RbaStatusCode string 1 Refer below table.
RbaStatusMessage string test The message from the RBA tool while updating a ticket.
Option1 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option2 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option3 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option4 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI


Figure 2. Figure 2  Runbook Status
Background pattern Description automatically generated

RbaStatusMessage: Output:


"statusCode": 200,

"status": "Success",

"message": "Runbook status updated successfully",

"result": null


Column Column type value Remarks
statusCode int

Success = 200,

Error = 300,

RequiredAttributeValueMissing = 400,

Unauthorized = 401,

This field provide status code
status string Success/Fail This field provide status
message string null or message in case of not success
result string de0e3951-4c7b-40ad-b5ce-5993d770c0a9 This field provide unique number for reference

API version V2.0

API: UpdateRunbookStatus
Purpose: To update the status of runbook.
API URL: http://<API URL>:<API Port>/v2/runbooks/orgentityid/<OrgID>/updaterunbookstatusv2
Authentication type: Basic
Method Type: PUT
Example: http://localhost:26240/v2/runbooks/orgentityid/1/updaterunbookstatusv2

Input JSON:


"TicketNumber": "optional value",

"RbaInteractionId": "145678",

"RbaStatusCode": "1",

"RbaStatusMessage": "BigFix Runbook AI update",

"Option1": "optional value",

"Option2": "optional value",

"Option3": "optional value",

"Option4": "optional value"


Column Column type Expected/sample value Remarks
TicketNumber string 123 The number of the ticket for which update needs to be sent.
RbaInteractionId string 135 The interaction ID generated for the ticket process.
RbaStatusCode string 1 Refer below table.
RbaStatusMessage string test The message from the RBA tool while updating a ticket.
Option1 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option2 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option3 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI
Option4 string optional This is an optional value which can be used to send extra information by Tool to store in BigFix Runbook AI


Figure 3. Figure 3  Runbook Status
Background pattern Description automatically generated

RbaStatusMessage: Output:


"Id": "abc",

"Status": "Success",

"Message": "Status updated successfully"


Column Column type value Remarks
Status string Success/Fail This field provide status
Message string message Success/Fail message
Id string de0e3951-4c7b-40ad-b5ce-5993d770c0a9 This field provide unique number for reference