Release Notes V10.1.0 Fix Pack 1

A summary of changed or new features and enhancements included in Remote Control Fix Pack 1.

Remote Control V10.1.0 Fix Pack 1

Features that are introduced in Remote Control V10.1.0 Fix Pack 1
  • New Command Session Mode

    In this release, Remote Control introduces a new session mode named Command. This session mode allows you to take control and interact with the remote system via a controller interface that emulates a terminal. When in command mode, you can operate the remote system without any disruptions to the remote user. This feature is useful in situations where such disruptions are not advisable. Also in command mode, the remote system desktop is not accessible to the user operating the controller.

    Experienced users will find the new session mode useful when performing problem determination by leveraging the automation feature offered by the controller while working in this session mode. The operations performed while in command mode can be optionally saved on the server for auditing purposes. Customers currently using the wrcmdpcr command line interface should follow a specific upgrade order (where the server is upgraded last) to ensure continuity of operations.

    For more information, refer to product documentation.

  • Unattended Target Initial Session Mode Selection

    With Fix Pack 1, Remote Control can start a session with an unattended target in any session mode. Before, it was only possible to start the session in Active mode. Once the session is established, you can change the session mode as before.

  • Multiple Controller Instances on MacOS

    With Fix Pack 1, Remote Control can start multiple controller instances on macOS targets as with other platforms.