Unattended targets guidelines

Unattended targets are useful if you need to establish a session with a target in some specific scenarios.

The following are the scenarios where the Unattended targets are useful:

  • A managed target can be connected from the office, connected from home via the VPN, or connected only via the Internet. If you require a managed target to always be reachable regardless of the connection situation, you can configure that managed target as an unattended target.
  • A target that permanently presents outside of the corporate network.
  • A target that permanently presents inside of the corporate network and that must be reachable from outside of the corporate network.
  • An Unattended Target can initiate the session in any mode. The users have to review the session permissions and confirm that the Unattended Target Active sessions are permitted in the configuration section.
From the product function prospective, there is no difference between managed targets and unattended targets. When operated within the corporate network, unattended targets provide some advantages in deployment and configuration of Remote Control Gateways.
Note: The initial session mode for an unattended session is set to Active. Review the session permissions and make sure that Active sessions are allowed in the configuration section. If the permission configuration does not include the Active session mode, then the initial session mode can become unpredictable when the session is established. This unpredictability is dependent on the other session permissions and the status of the unattended target connection with the server.