discovery_details association

9.2.11 Available from 9.2.11. Use the discovery_details association to retrieve details of a file that caused component discovery as part of a REST API request. The details include the name and size of the file as well as the path under which it was found.



Applicable REST APIs

You can use the discovery_details association with the api/sam/v2/software_instances REST API.


For example:
GET api/sam/v2/software_instances?columns[]=discovery_details.discovery_path&token=7adc3efb175e2bc0f4484bdd2efca54a8fa04623

Available columns

Table 1. Columns with information about file that caused component discovery
Property Description Type
discovery_path Path to the file that caused component discovery. String
file_name Name of the file that caused component discovery. String
file_size Size of the file that caused component discovery. String