Changing the upload schedule

Capacity data collected by VM Manager Tool is uploaded to the BigFix server every 12 hours. You can change this schedule by removing the default schedule and creating a new one.


  1. Stop and remove the default schedule.
    1. In the navigation tree of the BigFix console, click Actions.
    2. Locate the action Schedule VM Manager Tool Scan Results Upload.
    3. Right-click the action and select Stop Action. The schedule is stopped.
    4. Again, right-click the action and select Delete Action. The schedule is removed.
  2. Create a new schedule.
    1. In the navigation tree, click Sites > External Sites > BigFix Inventory > Fixlets and Tasks.
    2. Select Schedule VM Manager Tool Scan Results Upload.
    3. In Description, enter the new frequency in hours.

    4. Click Take Action.
    5. Select the target computer that has VM Manager Tool installed and click OK. The action is started under new schedule.

      Applicable computers
      Note: All options in the Execution tab are disabled. The frequency can be specified only in the Description field.


You set up the new schedule. The data collected by VM Manager Tool is now uploaded to BigFix with the frequency that you specified.