Bulk enrollment - Windows

Bulk enrollment is an efficient way to set up and enroll a huge number of Windows devices to BigFix MCM.

For more information about bulk enrollment of Windows devices, see Bulk enrollment.

The main advantages of bulk enrollment are:
  • Large scale enrollment – With this method of enrollment, you can enroll huge numbers of Windows devices efficiently.
  • One-time configuration – As an administrator, you just need to configure the Windows provisioning package (.ppkg) once; after that the same configuration can be effortlessly applied to a huge set of devices.
    Note: A provisioning package (.ppkg) is a container for a collection of configuration settings. For more information, see Provisioning packages for Windows.

    You can also configure default Windows profile that allows users to automatically install BigFix, install custom MSI, and configure a default Windows restrictions policy via Policy Groups.

To learn how to enroll Windows devices in bulk, see https://help.hcltechsw.com/bigfix/10.0/webui/WebUI/Users_Guide/t_win_bulkenroll.html.