Retrieval of information related to storage (v2)

Available from 9.2.12. You use the GET operation on the api/sam/v2/detailed_hw_storages element to request information related to storage devices on the scanned system.


User You must have the View Endpoints and View Hardware Inventory permission to use this API.

Resource URL


Resource information

Table 1. Resource information

The table consists of two columns and seven rows.

Operation details Description
HTTP method GET
Request headers
Accept-Language (optional)
en-US (only English is supported)

Negotiates the language of the response. If the header is not specified, the content is returned in the server language.

Request format application/json
Response headers

Specifies the content type of the response.

en-US, …

Specifies the language of the response content. If the header is not specified, the content is returned in the server language.

Response payload Storage Device element
Response format application/json
Response codes

200 – OK

500 – "Bad Request" if a query parameter contains errors or is missing

Schema description

To retrieve the list of all columns that are returned by this REST API together with their descriptions, use the following request.
GET api/sam/v2/schemas/detailed_hw_storage.json?token=token

Available columns

The list of attributes related to storage devices on the scanned system.

AIX The detailed hardware scan cannot retrieve information about storage for AIX WPARs because of the specification of these virtual machines.

Windows When you set up a quota on a non-administrative user account, the free disk space might be greater than the space that is available on a disk volume. Thus, the storage information might not be accurate. According to the Microsoft policy, you must be an administrator to retrieve information about storage quota that is allocated to other users.

The scan output might contain multiple instances of each attribute from this group.

Table 2. Columns with information about storage devices
Property Description Type
id Identifier of the record. Integer
computer_id Identifier of the computer as specified in the BigFix Inventory database Integer
updated_at Date and time when the current information was imported to BigFix Inventory. String
type The type of the storage device. String
model The model of the storage device. String
manufacturer The manufacturer of the storage device. String
total_size The size of the hard drive in megabytes (MB). String
device The unique system identifier of the storage device. This information is optional. String

Related APIs

This API can be associated with the following API:

Query parameters

Table 3. Query parameters

The table consists of four columns and nine rows.

Parameter Description Required Value
columns[] Specify which columns to retrieve. If you do not specify this parameter, only default columns are retrieved.
Example: Retrieve the computer id:
order Specify how to sort the returned data. The default direction for sorting columns is ascending. If you want to specify a descending sort, append desc to the column name.
Example: Order by computer ID descending:
URL?order[]=computer_id desc
Note: By default the limit parameter for this API is set to 100000.
limit Specify the number of rows to retrieve. If you omit this parameter, all rows are retrieved.
Example: Retrieve 100 records
offset Specify the number of rows to skip for retrieving results. You can use it together with the limit parameter to paginate results.
Example: Retrieve 50 records starting after record 150
token A unique user authentication identifier. You can retrieve it by using REST API for retrieving authentication token. You can also log in to BigFix Inventory, hover over the User icon User icon, and click Profile. Then, click Show token. Alphanumeric
criteria Retrieve records which match specific conditions. The parameter should have the following structure, written in one line:
<criteria> ::= <left-brace> <boolean-operator><colon> <left-bracket> 
<criterion> [{ <comma> <criterion> }...] <right-bracket> <right-brace>
<boolean-operator> ::= "and" | "or"
<criterion> ::= <criteria> | <left-bracket> <column> <comma> <operator> <comma> <value> <right-bracket>
<column> ::= <json-string>
<operator> ::= <json-string>
<value> ::= <json-array> | <json-string> | <json-numver> | <json-null>

For more information about operators, see: Common connectors and operators.

Example: retrieve computers with computer ID greater than 1000.
URL?criteria={"and":[["computer_id", ">", "1000"]]}

For columns that use the date and time values, you can retrieve data also for a period instead of a specific date. To do so, use last or next as <operator>, and then specify the time value in the following convention: PxD/PxW/PxM/PxY, where x is a number in the 1-999 range, and D, W, M, or Y is a designator that represents days, weeks, months, or years respectively.


Example conversation - default columns

GET api/sam/v2/detailed_hw_storages?token=7adc3efb175e2bc0f4484bdd2efca54a8fa04623
Host: localhost:9081 
Accept: application/json 
Accept-Language: en-US
Response body
"type":"Hard Disk",
"model":"Virtual disk",
"device"	"/dev/sda"

Example conversation - selected columns

GET api/sam/v2/detailed_hw_storages?columns[]=computer_id
Host: localhost:9081 
Accept: application/json 
Accept-Language: en-US
Response body
"model":"Virtual disk",