Automatic form fill

Provide AppScan® with valid parameter values for filling forms in your application during the scan.

This is a list of values AppScan uses to fill forms in your application. There are default values for many of them, and they are automatically updated to include any values you enter when you explore manually.

You can view, add to and edit these values.



Enable/Disable automatic form fill

When enabled (default), AppScan attempts to automatically fill-in the user input forms of your application during the Explore stage.

General form fill

Properties List

List of values used by AppScan to fill in forms automatically during the scan. You can add to and edit this list. For more information, see Form fields

Additional settings

Fill unknown fields with

  • Nothing
  • Random value: Use a different random value each time.
  • Fixed value: You can type in a string that AppScan will use whenever it encounters a field that it does not recognize. The default string is 1234.