Edit menu

Used for customizing scan results.


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In Issues View, issues are categorised as High, Medium, Low, or Informational based on CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System). You can change the severity level of the selected issue.

By default all severities are listed. You can remove specific severities from the display by clicking Filter, and deselecting the severity you want filtered out.


In Issues View, issues found in a scan are classified as Open. You can designate the selected issue as "Noise", which means that although AppScan classified it as an issue because there is a vulnerability, in the context of your application this vulnerability is not an issue.

When you classify an issue as Noise it is displayed in grayed out italics. You can remove Noise from the Issues list altogether by clicking Filter and deselecting Noise.

Delete issues

Delete selected issues.

Set issues as non-vulnerable

When you define a test variant as non-vulnerable it will not be displayed in the scan results or included in reports, but you can view its details (via the Non-Vulnerable Variants List) and reinstate it later if necessary.

Generate issue information

Occasionally parts of the Details pane may be empty for some issues. If this happens, click this to update the information.

Change host/scheme/port

Change details of the Starting URL after the Explore stage, for example if you want to preserve manual explore data. However, note that these changes will require a rescan.

Clear all scan data

Delete all explore data and issues found, leaving the scan configuration only.

Note: Severity and Priority are mutually exclusive; only one is visible at any time, depending on the selected view.