Importing AppScan Enterprise license permissions

Configure AppScan® Standard to scan sites allowed by your AppScan Enterprise license.

About this task

If your organization has an AppScan Enterprise license that allows scanning additional sites to those allowed by your local AppScan Standard license, you can import these permissions to use on your local machine. Note, however, that in this case only URLs allowed by the AppScan Enterprise license can be scanned. If the local AppScan Standard license allows URLs that are not included in the AppScan Enterprise license, you must disable the AppScan Enterprise license before you can scan them.
Note: This option is available only when a full AppScan Standard license (not a demo license) is loaded.


  1. Click Help > License.

    The License dialog-box opens.

  2. Click Add AppScan Enterprise License.

    The AppScan Enterprise dialog-box opens.

  3. Select the AppScan Enterprise check box.

    The fields become active.

  4. Select the check box, and complete the User Name, Password, Domain and URL for the AppScan Enterprise server.
  5. (Optional:) Verify that you are connected to the network, and click the Test these settings button.

    AppScan establishes contact with the AppScan Enterprise Server and the organization's license is displayed in the lower pane.

    Note: In the event that the local client fails to make contact with the Enterprise server, you are notified that scanning is restricted to IPs allowed by the local license.
  6. Click OK.

    The AppScan Enterprise permissions are loaded to the AppScan License, in addition to its own permissions.