AppScan Log messages

This section includes explanations of AppScan® Log messages. (Help > AppScan Log)

Currently only the more important AppScan Log messages are documented here. When relevant, explanations and suggested user actions are included.
Table 1.
Number Message Explanation User response
CRWAD3000E Bad AppScan registry entry <key name> n/a n/a
CRWAD3002I Advanced Configuration option set. ID: <ID> = value <value> n/a n/a
CRWAD3003E Advanced Configuration option not set due to error. ID: <#> , value <value> AppScan was unable to apply an Advanced Configuration change made by the user due to incorrect format (ID and value specified). Locate the Advanced Configuration setting by its ID, and correct the value.
CRWAD3010I AppScan version: <#> (Build number: <#>, Security rules version: <#>) n/a n/a
CRWAD3100I New AppScan process started. n/a n/a
CRWAD3101I AppScan exited. n/a n/a
CRWAD3102I AppScan proxy port is <port number> n/a n/a
CRWAD3104I Starting Explore stage on host(s): <host(s)> n/a n/a
CRWAD3105I Resuming Explore stage. n/a n/a
CRWAD3106I Explore stage stopped by user. n/a n/a
CRWAD3107I Explore stage completed. n/a n/a
CRWAD3108I Clearing Explore and Test stage data. n/a n/a
CRWAD3109I Creating a new scan. n/a n/a
CRWAD3200I Starting Test stage on host(s): <host(s)> n/a n/a
CRWAD3201I Resuming Test stage. n/a n/a
CRWAD3202I Test stage stopped by user. n/a n/a
CRWAD3203I Test stage completed. n/a n/a
CRWAD3204I Clearing Test stage data. n/a n/a
CRWAD3205I Importing Explore data from: <path> n/a n/a
CRWAD3300W Import Explore Data failed, from file: <file path> n/a n/a
CRWAD3409W No license for host: <host> n/a Update your license (Help > License) to include the specified host, or remove the host from your list of additional hosts (Scan Configuration > URL and Servers > Additional Servers and Domains).
CRWAD3411I License successfully checked out. n/a n/a
CRWAD3500E An AppScan internal error occurred. A dump file was created in: <file path>. Contact Support. A critical internal error has occured, which caused AppScan to terminate. The memory dump file may help to determain the cause of the problem. Contact Supprt and provide the dump file any other relevant information.
CRWAD3501E An AppScan internal error occurred. Attempting to save the scan. A critical internal error occurred. AppScan attempted to save the scan before closing. If the save was successful, the path of the saved scan will appear later in the log. n/a
CRWAD3502E Auto-Recover save succeeded. Recovered scan saved at: <file path> AppScan succeeded in saving a scan after a critical error. The scan is located in the path indicated. Try to load the saved scan file and continue the scan.
CRWAD3503E Attept to save the scan before terminating failed. AppScan was unable to save an Auto-Recover scan file before terminating. Contact Support.
CRWAD3600E Rules file is corrupted. The security rules file, which defines AppScan tests, is corrupted. Contact Support.
CRWAD3601E User-Defined rules file is corrupted. User-Defined rules file is corrupted. Contact Support.
CRWAD3602W Some security issues in the loaded scan were deleted due to missing rules. n/a n/a
CRWAD3703E Cannot connect to server {0} due to: SSL certificate is not valid. AppScan has been configured by the user to reject connections to servers whose SSL certificate is not valid. The SSL certificate of the application server is not valid, and therefore a connection cannot be made. If you are not concerned about possible man-in-the-middle or other attacks, you can undo this configuration change. Go to Tools > Options > Advanced tab, locate the entry for HttpsIgnoreCertErrors, and change its Value to False.
CRWAD3707I Server <name> is not responding. n/a n/a
CRWAD3708I Server <name> is responding again. n/a n/a
CRWAD3709I Proxy <name> is not responding. n/a n/a
CRWAD3710I Proxy <name> is responding again. n/a n/a
CRWAD3800E Fatal error: scan file <file path> is corrupt. Unable to load scan file. Contact Support.
CRWAD3801E AppScan was unable to load the session. The session file may be corrupt or invalid. The scan file was successfully opened, but AppScan failed to load a session from it. Contact Support.
CRWAD3806I Saving scan to file: <full path> n/a n/a
CRWAD3807I Finished Saving scan to file: <full path> n/a n/a
CRWAD3808I Loading scan from file: <full path> n/a n/a
CRWAD3809I Finished Loading scan from file: <full path> n/a n/a
CRWAD3810I Loading scan with version <original version>, updating to current version <current version> n/a n/a
CRWAD3811E Loading scan with version {0}, later than current version {1}! The loaded scan was created in a version (specified), that is later than the current version (specified). The scan may fail to load. n/a
CRWAD3813E Failed to save scan <file path> due to insufficient disk space. Temporary files created when working with an AppScan scan can reach a size up to the size of the scan itself, so all temporary folders must have this capacity. The size of a scan depends on the site being scanned, the template, the configuration, and the issues found. Refer to: Insufficient disk space
CRWAD3814E Unable to save scan <file path>, since the scan file is a read only file. n/a n/a
CRWAD3816E AppScan was unable to load the scan due to insufficient disk space. Please free <#> MB on drive <drive letter> and try again. Temporary files created when working with an AppScan scan can reach a size up to the size of the scan itself, so all temporary folders must have this capacity. The size of a scan depends on the site being scanned, the template, the configuration, and the issues found. Refer to: Insufficient disk space
CRWAD3817E Rebuilding SDK result database from engine database. The SDK result database was not found. AppScan is rebuilding it from the engine database. n/a
CRWAD3818E Loading scan with DB version {n}, this version is unsupported. The scan was saved using an unsupported AppScan database version, and cannot be loaded in the current AppScan version. n/a
CRWAD4105E Critical thread (<thread name>, tid: <thread id>) died unnaturally. A critical internal error occured. Contact Support.
CRWAD4106E Non-critical thread (<thread name>, tid: <thread id>) died unnaturally. A non-critical internal error occured. Contact Support.
CRWAD4300I Starting AppScan Extended Support mode. n/a n/a
CRWAD4301I ppScan Extended Support mode is already <On/Off>. n/a n/a
CRWAD4302I AppScan Extended Support mode stopped. n/a n/a
CRWAD4303I Failed to pack Extended Support information into file: <full path> n/a n/a
CRWAD4500E AppScan stopped due to insufficient disk space. [ Free: <#>M , Required: <#>M] Temporary files created when working with an AppScan scan can reach a size up to the size of the scan itself, so all temporary folders must have this capacity. The size of a scan depends on the site being scanned, the template, the configuration, and the issues found. Refer to: Insufficient disk space
CRWAD4501E AppScan stopped because memory usage reached the predefined limit. [ MemUsage: <#>K , MaxMemUsage: <#>K ] n/a Try increasing the memory limit (Tools > Advanced Options), or contact Support.
CRWAD4502E AppScan stopped because the system is running low on virtual memory. [ VM: <#>K , AvailableVM: <#>K ] n/a Try closing other applications to free memory.
CRWAD4503E Low system memory - AppScan may not continue to run properly. [ MemUsage: <#>K , TotalPhysicalMem: <#>K ] n/a Try closing other applications to free memory.
CRWAD5002E Importing XML Configuration failed. Parse error (if available): %s Failed to send the configuration to the engine. Unable to proceed with scan. Contact Support.
CRWAD5003I Applying updated scan configuration to engine. n/a n/a
CRWAD5004E Parsing XML configuration failed. Failed to send the configuration to the engine. Unable to proceed with scan. Contact Support.
CRWAD5100E AppScan Severe Error: %s n/a n/a
CRWAD5101E Software exception occured: <message> Call Stack: <stack> n/a n/a