Incremental scans

An Incremenat scan can save time by utilizing the results of an earlier scan, and testing either
  • New parts of the application and also those parts of the application where a vulnerability was previously found, or
  • Only new parts of the application
An Incremental scan includes a full Explore stage, to discover the current structure of the application and identify what is new compared with the base scan. This is followed by a Test stage that offers the two options above.
Tip: Incremental scanning can be very useful if you want to run frequent and faster scans, but it is recommended to run full scans from time-to-time, in case new bugs occur in previously error-free parts of the site.

You can start an Incremental scan using the wizard, or from the main screen.

To run an Incremental scan using the wizard:

  1. On the main toolbar, click New to open the Welcome screen.
  2. Select Incremental scan, and follow the Incremental Scan Wizard.
To run an Incremental scan from main screen:
  1. Open a full scan (that is, one that includes both Explore and Test stages) that you want to use as the base for the re-scan.
  2. Click Scan > Re-Scan > Incremental
  3. In the Incremental dialog box that appears, select the type of scan:
    • Test new parts of the application, and also retest for issues that were found in the base scan. (Default)
      Note: When retesting for issues that were found in the base scan, only the specific test variants that revealed the vulnerability are sent, so testing is still kept to a minimum.
    • No retesting. Test only new parts of the application.
  4. Click Start.
    Note: When you start the re-scan, unsaved results are discarded, so make sure you save the current results if you need them.
Incremental scan results
  • The base scan results are not shown in the user interface. Only the the results of the Incremental scan, when obtained.
  • Counters on the Application tree and Results list indicate total issues found (a) and total New issues (b), in the format:
    [Issue name] (a) b New

    Illustration of Issue counters in the Result List for Incremental scans
  • The Status bar indicates when the current scan is Incremental.