Installing Ounce/Maven

Before you begin

The following are prerequisites for installing and running Ounce/Maven:

  • Apache Maven Version 2.x or later: For information about deploying and using Maven plug-ins, see the Apache Maven Project website at
  • To scan using the Maven plug-in, you need AppScan® Source for Automation: For more information, see AppScan Source for Automation.

About this task

Once you install and configure Maven, Ounce/Maven downloads the first time you reference it.

The Ounce/Maven site documentation includes descriptions of the Ounce/Maven goals, their parameters, examples, usage notes, and detailed examples.

You can find the site documentation at


  1. If Maven is not already installed, install Maven from Follow the directions on the Maven website.
  2. Either:
    • Edit a Maven pom file to include one or more Ounce/Maven goals, as described in the Ounce/Maven site documentation
    • Call one or more Ounce/Maven goals from the command line, as described in the Ounce/Maven site documentation