Modifying and removing rule sets

Out-of-the-box pattern rules sets, and rule sets that you have created, can be modified and removed in the Pattern Rule Library view.

Note: You must have Manage Patterns permission to be able to create pattern rules or rule sets - or to modify and remove custom rules and rule sets.

Modifying a rule set

These modifications can be made to a rule set:

  • You can add a rule to an existing rule set by following the instructions for populating a new rule set in Creating a rule set in the Pattern Rule Library view.
  • To remove a rule or multiple rules from a rule set, select the rule or rules to remove and then perform one of these actions:
    • Click Remove Rules From Set.
    • Right-click and select Remove Rules From Set.
  • You can add a rule set to another rule set in one of two ways:
    • Select a rule set and drag and drop it into another rule set.
    • Right-click a rule set and select Add Rule Set as Child and then, in the Choose Rule Set dialog box, select the rule set that you want to add as a parent rule set.
  • You can modify the Display Name and Project types of a rule set: Right-click the rule set and select Properties to open the Rule Set Properties dialog box. In this dialog box, you can edit the Display Name field - or you can click the Project types field Edit button to select one or more project types.

Removing a rule set

To remove a rule set, select it and perform one of these actions:

  • Click Remove Rule Set.
  • Right-click and select Remove.