Published Assessments view

The Published Assessments view lists the assessments that have been published to the AppScan® Source Database.

  • Name: Assessment name.
  • Type: An icon indicating that the scan covered applications (Application icon), folders (Folder icon), projects (Project icon), or files (File icon). A star beside the assessment name indicates that the assessment is currently open.
  • Scan Configuration: Scan configuration that was used for the scan.
  • Publisher: User name of the person who published the assessment
  • Targets: Applications, folders, projects, or files scanned.
  • Date: Scan completion date.

In the Published Assessments view, you can:

  • Add assessments to the My Assessments view
  • Filter assessments
  • Open and delete assessments
  • Close assessments
  • Compare assessments
  • Save assessments
  • Rename assessments
  • View metrics
Tip: A General preference sets the maximum number of assessments to display in the Published Assessments and My Assessments views.