Including GitHub repository information in an assessment file

By default, GitHub respository information is not included in published assessments. You can choose to include GitHub repository information in assessments published to AppScan® Enterprise by editing the include_scm_details property in the scan.ozsettings file. When included, GitHub repository information included in the assessment file will be:
  • branchName
  • commitId
  • repository name
  • scanType
  • GitHub URL
To include git repository information in the assessments file:
  1. Open the <source-data-directory>/config/scan.ozsettings file for editing.

    By default, the scan.ozsettings file is located in the default data directory of the AppScan® Source installation.

  2. Locate the include_scm_details property and change the value to true.

    include_scm_details is set to false by default.

  3. Save the file.