Eclipse workspace importers: Eclipse preference configuration

The AppScan® Source for Analysis installation provides a default Eclipse importer. This importer identifies the location of Eclipse and the JRE. If the default Eclipse importer is unable to import your workspace, it may be necessary to create a new Eclipse importer.

Before you begin

Each importer configuration represents an installation of Eclipse. To use these configurations to import existing workspaces and projects to AppScan® Source for Analysis, you may also need to install the AppScan® Source for Development plug-ins into the Eclipse environment.

Before adding a workspace, you must create a configuration for the workspace type.


  1. In AppScan® Source for Analysis, select Edit > Preferences from the main workbench menu.
  2. Select Eclipse Workspace Importers.
  3. Click Create a new configuration and then complete the New Import Configuration dialog box to create a new configuration:
    • Product: Select the appropriate product
      Note: If the product that was used to create the workspace is not available for selection, ensure that you have completed the configuration steps outlined in Eclipse or Application Developer updates before attempting to create the workspace importer.
    • Name: Importer name
    • Location: Path to the base directory of the Eclipse installation
    • JRE Location: Path to the root directory of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Use a JDK in <install_dir>\JDKS (where <install_dir> is the location of your AppScan® Source installation) or any other preferred JDK.
  4. Click OK.
  5. To identify the importer as default, select it and click Make the selected configuration the default. This causes an icon to display in the importer's Default column.