Creating a local product administrator user for an AppScan® Enterprise Server that is configured with Windows authentication


  1. Locate the server.xml file. On Windows, this file is located in the Liberty\usr\servers\ase folder in your AppScan® Enterprise Server installation directory. On Linux, this file is located in the Liberty/usr/servers/ase folder in your AppScan® Enterprise Server installation directory.

    Edit this file as follows:

    1. Remove this line:
    2. Change the value of product.admins to be the name of the administrator user - for example, ADMIN:
      <jndiEntry jndiName="product.admins" value="ADMIN"/>
    3. Add this before </server> at the end of the file (this sample uses ADMIN as an example password):
      <basicRegistry id="basic" realm="customRealm">
        <user name="ADMIN" password="ADMIN" />
      Note: The administrator password can be encrypted by following the instructions in Encrypting the administrator password. In this case, specify the generated encrypted password in this section.
  2. Save the file and restart the ase service:
    • On Linux, issue the /etc/init.d/ase_liberty restart command.
    • On Windows, complete one of these tasks:
      • Choose Run in the Windows Start menu and then type services.msc. When the Services window opens, right-click HCL AppScan Enterprise Server and choose Restart.
      • In a command prompt, change directory to the Liberty\bin folder in your AppScan® Enterprise Server installation directory. Issue the server stop ase command - and then issue server start ase.
  3. Register the AppScan® Source Database with AppScan® Enterprise Server using the newly-created ADMIN credentials.