Loading the AppScan Source Docker image

In this scenario, the AppScan® Source command line interface (CLI) Docker image is downloaded and loaded into your Linux environment.

Containerized applications, including AppScan® Source, allow greater flexibility and efficiency. Once installed and configured, a testing environment can be created on-demand, and quickly, and scans can be run concurrently.

Note: Docker must be installed, and the daemon started and running with the current user added to the docker group.
To download and load the Docker image to your environment from FlexNet Operations:
  1. Login to FlexNet.
  2. Download hcl_appscan_source_cli_10.1.0.tar.gz from the FlexNet Operations portal.
  3. Load the Docker image:

    docker load –i hcl_appscan_source_cli_10.1.0.tar

  4. Verify that the Docker image is loaded and available:

    docker images

    An image with the name appscan/appscan-src-cli should be listed.

To pull the Docker image from HCL Harbor to your environment:
  1. Pull the Docker image from HCL Harbor:

    docker pull hclcr.io/appscan/appscan-src-cli:10.1.0

  2. Verify the Docker image is loaded and available.

    docker images

    An image with the name appscan/appscan-src-cli should be listed.