Additional AppScan® Source for Development installation requirements

The AppScan® Source for Development Eclipse plug-in requires additional configuration.

  1. The AppScan® Source for Development plug-in for Eclipse requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is Version 1.5 or higher. If your environment points to a JRE that does not meet this requirement, edit the eclipse.ini file in the Eclipse installation directory so that it points to a JRE that does meet this requirement. For information about making this change to the eclipse.ini file, see the Specifying the JVM section of
  2. The AppScan® Source for Development plug-in for Eclipse on Linux (Eclipse or RAD) requires that you add the AppScan® Source installation directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example, if you use the bash shell, add this line to the ~/.bashrc initialization:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/hcl/appscansource
  3. The AppScan® Source for Development plug-in for Eclipse on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 7.3 or higher requires that you edit the eclipse.ini file in the Eclipse installation directory to include the following command: