Generating a node-locked license file

To generate a node-locked license file from the user interface:

  1. Copy the Local Host ID from the Import License File dialog.
  2. Log into the HCL Software FlexNet Operations Portal using the email address in your invitation.
    Note: If this is your first login, reset your password.
  3. Select Devices > Create Device:
    1. Enter a Device name.
    2. Leave Runs license server? unchecked.
    3. For ID Type, select ETHERNET.
    4. In the ID field, paste the Local Host ID.
    5. Click Save.
  4. Select Actions > Map Entitlements to assign license to the new device:
    In the Quantity to Add column, enter 1.
    Note: Specifying a larger number (if available) will waste licenses, since the licenses will be valid on one machine only
  5. Select Actions > Download Capability Response to download the license file.