Starting the AppScan® Source command line interface (CLI)

  • On Windows systems, run <install_dir>\bin\AppScanSrcCli.exe (where <install_dir> is the location of your AppScan® Source installation). For example, on Windows (32-bit):
    C:\Program Files\HCL\AppScanSource\bin\AppScanSrcCli.exe
  • On Linux systems, run <install_dir>/bin/appscansrccli, for example:
  • Locate /Applications/ and run appscansrccli by issuing the command ./appscansrccli.

The CLI allows one valid command to be passed on the command line at application start up.


The CLI passes the script command to execute an entire CLI session automatically.

<install_dir>\bin\AppScanSrcCli script myscript.txt