Defining variables when publishing and saving

When you attempt to save or publish an assessment, AppScan® Source for Analysis detects any absolute paths in the assessment. If corresponding variables have not been created for the absolute paths, you will be prompted to create them.

About this task

Variables can be created prior to initiating a save or publish action by following the instructions in Defining variables - or they can be created after initiating the save or publish action by following the steps in this topic.

To learn, by example, how variables can assist when sharing assessments, see Example: Defining variables.


  1. After initiating the save or publish action, click Yes in the Absolute Paths Detected message.
  2. In the Define Variables dialog box, AppScan® Source for Analysis suggests a set of paths that encompass the data.
  3. Select a directory and click Add Variable.
  4. Repeat the above step for any other reference items in the assessment (for example, if the assessment references source in multiple locations, add a variable for each location).
  5. The Define Variables dialog box can also be used to edit and remove variables, using the Modify Variable and Delete Variable buttons.
  6. Click OK to complete the save or publish action.