login (in)


Log in to the AppScan® Enterprise Server (replaces login_local (local)).

If the login is successful, the prompt changes to AllApplications>> to indicate that you are logged in.


login server user_id password [-persist] [-acceptssl]
  • server: Required. Specify the URL for your AppScan® Enterprise Server instance. The format of this URL is http(s)://<hostname>:<port>/ase, where <hostname> is the name of the machine on which AppScan® Enterprise Server has been installed and <port> is the port on which the server is running. An example of this URL is https://myhost.mydomain.hcl.com:9443/ase.
  • user_id: Required. Enter your user ID.
    • If your AppScan® Enterprise Server authentication method is user ID and password, enter your user ID.
    • If your AppScan® Enterprise Server is configured to use Windows authentication, enter the domain and user name that you use to connect to the Enterprise Console (separate the domain and user name with \ - for example, my_domain\my_username).
    • If your AppScan® Enterprise Server is configured with LDAP, enter the user name that you use to connect to the Enterprise Console.
    • On Windows, if your AppScan® Enterprise Server is enabled for Common Access Card (CAC) authentication, enter common_name<cn_certificate>, where common_name is your CAC Common Name (CN) and cn_certificate is the CN of the issuer of your certificate. If your common_name or cn_certificate contains spaces, surround the value in quotation marks ("common_name<cn_certificate>").
  • password: Required if your AppScan® Enterprise Server authentication method is user ID and password. Specify the password for your Enterprise Server user ID.
    Note: This option is not used when your AppScan® Enterprise Server is enabled for CAC authentication
  • -persist: Optional. Persist login credentials through an encrypted key. If the persist argument is used, login saves the user name and password to an encrypted key file called cli.token. The cli.token is saved to the .ounce folder of the users home directory.
  • -acceptssl: Optional. Automatically accept SSL certificates. For more information, see AppScan Enterprise Server SSL certificates
    Important: If this argument is not included, logging in or publishing to the AppScan® Enterprise Console will fail with error if an invalid certificate is encountered (if you have not already permanently accepted the certificate while logging in via another AppScan® Source client product).


  • User John Smith logs into the AppScan® Enterprise Server that has been set up by his administrator:
    >> login https://myserver:9443/ase/ johnsmith mypassword -acceptssl
    Login successful.
  • On Windows, user Jane Smith logs into an AppScan® Enterprise Server that is enabled for CAC authentication. Her CN is janesmith and her company's certificate CN is mydomain-co-ABC123-CO:
    >> login https://myserver:9443/ase/ janesmith<mydomain-co-ABC123-CO>
    She is then prompted by a Windows Security dialog box for her CAC card pin. When she completes that dialog box with her pin, the command line displays this:
    Login successful.