openapplication (oa)


This command can be used to open an existing application - or to create a new AppScan® Source application file.

When using this command to open an application, these application files are supported:

  • AppScan Source application files (.paf).
  • Eclipse or Rational® Application Developer for WebSphere® Software (RAD) workspaces (.ewf)
    Note: .ewf files are generated when you use openapplication to open a workspace directory (by specifying its path).
  • WAR files (.war)
  • EAR files (.ear)
  • Windows only: Microsoft™ Visual C++ Workspace files (.dsw)
  • Windows only: Microsoft Visual Studio.NET solution files (.sln)
Note: To learn which versions of imported files are supported by AppScan Source for Analysis, AppScan Source for Automation, and the AppScan Source command line interface, see System requirements and installation prerequisites. At this page, select the tab for the version of AppScan Source that you are using - and then select the AppScan Source component that you are using. If AppScan Source supports opening and scanning files from other development environments, that support is listed in the Compilers and Languages section of the Supported Software tab.


openapplication file [-appserver_type] 
[-include_all_lib_jars] [-include_lib_jars] [-no_ear_project]
  • file: Required.
    • If you are using the command to open an application, specify the path and file name of the existing application.
    • If you are using the command to create an AppScan Source application, specify a valid path and a new file name (ensure that the new file name does not already exist).
    • If you are using the command to open an Eclipse or Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software (RAD) workspace, you can specify just the workspace path.
  • -appserver_type: Optional. If the application that you are opening includes JavaServer Pages (for example, a WAR or EAR file), use this setting to specify the application server to use for JSP compilation. Specify one of these, in double quotation marks:
    • Tomcat 7
    • Tomcat 8
    • WebSphere 7.0
    • WebSphere 8.0
    • WebSphere 8.5
    • WebLogic 11g
    • WebLogic 12c
    • Before specifying an application server, ensure that it has been configured properly in the AppScan Source for Analysis preferences.
    • If -appserver_type is not used, the default JSP compiler that is currently set in AppScan Source for Analysis will be used for JSP compilation. Out-of-the-box, Tomcat 7 is the default JSP compiler.
  • For WAR files:
    • -include_all_lib_jars: Use this setting to include all libraries in the WAR file during the scan.
    • -include_lib_jars: Use this setting to specify the libraries in the WAR file that you want to include during the scan. When using the setting, do not include library path information - and separate multiple libraries with commas.
  • -no_ear_project: When importing an EAR file, a project is automatically created for storing shared libraries. If there are no shared libraries, the project will be created, but it will be empty. When this setting is used, no project will be created for the EAR file.


  • To open a Microsoft Visual Studio .NET solution file on Windows:
    AllApplications>> openapplication c:\mysln.sln
  • To open an Xcode project:
    AllApplications>> openapplication /User/myname/Documents/myproject.xcodeproj
  • To open an Eclipse workspace:
    AllApplications>> oa /User/myname/Documents/myworkspace
    AllApplications>> oa "C:\Users\myname\My Documents\myworkspace"


    AllApplications>> oa /User/myname/Documents/myworkspace/myworkspace.ewf
    AllApplications>> oa "C:\Users\myname\My Documents\myworkspace\myworkspace.ewf"
  • To open a WAR file and include only some of its libraries when scanning:
    AllApplications>> oa c:\mywar.war -include_lib_jars lib1.jar,lib2.jar