Using a floating license

This task topic describes the procedure for configuring floating licenses for AppScan® Source.


  1. From the AppScan Source License Manager, click Configure license servers to open the License Server Configuration dialog box.
  2. Specify Use Cloud License Server or Use Local License Server.
    Note: To use the cloud license server, AppScan Source must have access to
  3. Type in credentials as follows:
    1. For a cloud-based license, provide the Server ID and then click OK.
    2. For a local license, provide Hostname and Port and then click OK. If the local license server is configured with self-signed certificate, then the License Manger asks you whether to accept the certificate or not. Repeat this step to add multiple license servers.


If you modify a license server, click Refresh to ensure that License Manager has access to the current license server information.

When you are finished configuring floating license servers, close the AppScan Source License Manager to begin using the license or licenses when you launch the installed product or products.

For teams that use AppScan Source for Development, floating scanning licenses can be released directly from the user interface, allowing other team members to acquire licenses when they need them. In local mode, there is a Release Scanning License action - whereas, in server mode, the license is released as part of the Log Out from Server action. After a license is released, it will automatically be reacquired when a scan is initiated (if a license is available).