Default open ports

Default open ports for remote communication

Port Components Protocol
443 and 9443 AppScan® Enterprise Server HTTPS
2315 solidDB® solidDB

Default open ports for local host access

Port Components Protocol
443 and 9443 AppScan Enterprise Server HTTPS

(only uses one port in this range)

AppScan Source for Analysis IIOP
13205 AppScan Source for Automation IIOP

License server ports

The Rational® License Key Server is used for serving floating licenses to AppScan Source. To make use of AppScan Source floating licenses through a firewall or from another network, some manual configuration is required. You will need to configure License Manager ports for the lmgrd and ibmratl vendor daemons on the Rational License Key Server - and then open/forward both ports in addition to the AppScan Source ports. Refer to the Rational License Key Server documentation for more information. By default, the lmgrd port is 27000 and the ibmratl vendor daemon port is allocated dynamically.