License Server

Specify the Rational® License Server to use for licenses.

  1. If you installed a local license server during installation, <localhost> will be pre-populated in the field.
  2. If you are using a single license server and a port in the default port range (27000-27009), enter the license server name in the License server box. Otherwise, click the Advanced button to display the advanced license server view.
  3. In the advanced license server view, enter the license server name in the Server box. If you are using redundant license servers, you can enter up to three redundant server names, separated by a comma (for example, server1,server2,server3).
    • The port number is not needed if the license server(s) in the Server box are using a port in the default port range. Otherwise, enter the port number used by the license server(s).
    • Licenses are searched for on the license servers in the order in which they appear in the 'License server search order' list.
    • The license servers you choose during configuration apply to all instances configured on this Server.

Product and user licenses

This topic on AppScan Enterprise licenses opens a technote in a separate browser.

Read this technote: Licensing for AppScan Enterprise. It discusses:
  • How to obtain licenses
  • The product licenses you need: basic and premium
  • The user licenses you need: floating and authorized
    Note: Users must log off properly to release the license; closing the browser will not release the license until two hours have passed.
    1. Change the connection limit for the Monitor view by modifying the session.timeout property (in milliseconds) in the <install-dir>\AppScan Enterprise\Liberty\usr\servers\<ase instance name>\server.xml file.
    2. Change the connection limit for the Folder Explorer view by modifying the sessionState timemout property (in milliseconds) to be <sessionState timeout="120"/> in the <install-dir>\HCL\AppScan Enterprise\WebApp\web.config file.
  • How to apply the licenses
  • Common licensing scenarios