Report pack and dashboard states

When a report pack or a dashboard is run, it normally passes through several states as described in the following table, in roughly the order shown.

To see the item pass through its states, you must refresh the page periodically. To refresh the page, click the Refresh page icon (Autorefresh).

State Description
Ready (Ready) The item is ready to be run, because it is error free, either manually or automatically per its schedule.
Ready (was suspended) () The item was in a suspended state before upgrade but is now in a ready state. You can decide whether further investigation or actions are required.
Waiting to Run (Waiting to Run ) The item is waiting for a free agent to start its run.
Starting (Starting ) The run button has been clicked and the agent is starting.
Running (Running icon ) The item is generating reports (whether it is a dashboard or a report pack).
Waiting to Cancel (Waiting to cancel ) The item is waiting for a free agent before it can cancel.
Canceling (Cancelling ) The agent is going into the cancel state.
Waiting to End (Waiting to end ) The item is waiting for a free agent before it can end.
Waiting to Suspend (Waiting to suspend ) The item is waiting for a free agent before it can suspend.
Suspending (Suspending ) The agent for the item is going into a suspended state.
Suspended (Suspended ) An item is typically suspended when it has encountered an error. You can End, Cancel, or Run (resume from where it left off) a suspended item.
Post Processing (Post processing ) The run for the item has completed and the database is performing post processing on its data.