Recording the APIs using the ADAC client using external tools and proxy ports

Create a GraphQL scan by recording the APIs using the ADAC client using external tools and proxy ports.


  1. On the AppScan Enterprise Scan page, click Create Folder Item.
  2. Select the Job using template radio-button and in the drop-down list, select the option GraphQL template.
  3. Click the Create button. The browser launches the AppScan Dynamic Analysis Client (ADAC).
  4. Navigate to the Manual Explore section, click Add, select External client, and then select Others.
  5. Configure the external tool to use the proxy port and IP for the local client displayed on the Record Traffic window.
  6. Once configured, run the collection in the external tool.
  7. After you run the collection, in the Record Traffic window, click the Stop Recording button and then click Save.
  8. In ADAC window, select the checkbox under domains detected for the domains to be included in the scanning.
  9. Navigate to Job Properties, select a desired Test Policy, and click Create Job.
  10. Run the scan.