Configuring scan data retention duration

Data generated by a scan is stored at the Dynamic Scan Agent Server under this location ASE_HOME\Logs\ASE.

About this task

This scan data is retained by the Scan Agents for 30 days by default. In previous releases the configuration was done by updating the Windows Registry at the location Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\HCL\AppScan Enterprise\Log\ItemLogRetentionDays. From version 10.0.0 the retention duration can be modified through AppScan Enterprise administrator console.


  1. Login to AppScan Enterprise as a Product Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration > General Settings > Edit Global Extended Properties.
  3. Create a new property ItemLogRetentionDays and provide a positive integer value to it.
  4. Save the configuration.