Administration servicability codes

This section includes explanations of Administration Servicability codes. When relevant, explanations and possible user actions are included.

Number Message Explanation Possible user action
CRWAS1000I The host that AppScan® Server allows the user to be redirected to after a web login: {0}. 0 host name None required
CRWAS1001I User logged in via non-Enterprise Console client (token:{0}). N/A None required
CRWAS1002I User logged out (token: {0}). N/A None required
CRWAS1003I User Identity (token: {0}): {1}. 0 token 1 userID N/A None required
CRWAS1004I User logged in via Enterprise Console client (token: {0}). N/A None required
CRWAS1005I Redirecting to the Enterprise Console. N/A None required
CRWAS1009I User "{0}" Update Successful 0 userID None required
CRWAS1010I Feature key creation successful N/A None required
CRWAS1011I AppScan® Source database configuration was updated by {0} ({1}). Modified setting: {2}="{3}". The AppScan® Source database was registered with AppScan® Enterprise Server. None required
CRWAS1012I The AppScan® Server User "{0}" was added to the AppScan® Source database, and has been given the right to modify the list of AppScan® Source users. N/A None required
CRWAS1013I Import completed N/A None required
CRWAS1014I Import completed: created {0}, updated {1}, removed {2} and skipped {3}. N/A None required
CRWAS1015I Import starting. N/A None required
CRWAS1016I The following scanner profile attributes were not found in the header of the CSV file: {0}. N/A Add the attributes to the header of the CSV file and try importing again.
CRWAS1017I The following columns in the CSV file do not correspond to any attribute in the scanner profile and will be ignored: {0}. N/A Define the mapping of the missing columns to the scanner profile and try importing the file again.
CRWAS1018I Replacing the invalid value with the default value. [attribute: "{0}", value: "{1}", default value:"{2}"]. If the issue did not have a value for this attribute, the default value will be used. Otherwise, the current value will be preserved. Make sure the values in the .csv row are correct
CRWAS1019I Importing the issue at {0} produced the following warnings: {1} N/A Read the warnings for further instructions
CRWAS1021I The file contains no issues to be imported N/A None required
CRWAS1022I New scanners were found: {0} New *.jar files were found in <install-dir>\HCL\AppScan Enterprise\Liberty\usr\servers\<instance_name>\lib\scanners. Click Save to finish adding the scanner profiles to the list of available scanners
CRWAS1500W This AppScan Enterprise instance has been locked down for important maintenance updates. N/A Try again later or contact your administrator for an update.
CRWAS1501W This AppScan Enterprise instance has been modified during a maintenance update. N/A Refresh your browser to reflect these changes.
CRWAS1502W Line {0}: Application attribute {1} is skipped because it is read-only. This column in the CSV file was skipped during import. Values for formula attributes, date created, and last updated attributes are skipped during import because their values are managed or calculated by AppScan Enterprise. None required
CRWAS1504W The *.jar files for the following scanners cannot be found: {0}. N/A Check the <install-dir>\HCL\AppScanEnterprise\Liberty\usr\servers\<instance_name>\lib directory for the list of *.jar files
CRWAS1505W The issue at {0} has no value for attribute: "{1}". The attribute has been skipped The scanner expects each issue attribute to have a value, but the value is missing or incorrect. Check the log file for the import for more details
CRWAS1506W Skipping the issue at location {0}. Scanner {1} returned the following message:{2} N/A None required
CRWAS1507W The {0} scanner returned a warning message when the import process began: {1} N/A The warning message contains information and instructions
CRWAS1508W The import process found the new Issue Type <name>. Contact your system administrator to check for new Security Rules on FNO. The new Issue Type is part of new security rules to be updated. Contact your system administrator to check for new Security Rules on FNO.
CRWAS2004E SessionId specified already exists and is associated with an existing session N/A Clear the browser cookies or your cache and try again.
CRWAS2006E User {0} not found. Check that the user exists on the AppScan® Server and is not archived The specified user has been archived. 0 User name Log on as a valid user that has not been archived and resubmit the request.
CRWAS2007E Cannot redirect to URL: {0}. Host is not trusted The specified host is not trusted. 0 Host server name Specify the trusted host in the configuration file.
CRWAS2010E Invalid property to update The post data for the request does not contain valid JSON. Correct the post data to contain valid JSON and resubmit the request
CRWAS2012E Invalid database connection URL The connection URL cannot be null. Post the correct information for the core database and then resubmit the request to test it.
CRWAS2013E Unable to connect to the AppScan® Source database An attempt to connect to the Source database was not successful. Try restarting your Liberty server. If the issue goes away, you might have a problem with the server IP refreshing again, which will cause the problem to return. Update these Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) parameters and then resubmit the request to test it: Choose your deployment: On Windows™, update the .bat file. On Linux™, update the .sh file.
CRWAS2014E The AppScan® Source database connection has not been configured properly The Core database has not been configured yet. It needs to be correctly configured before the data can be retrieved. Ensure you have installed and registered the AppScan® Source database with the AppScan® Server during the installation of the AppScan® Source database component. Alternatively, run the 'appscanserverdbmgr.bat' tool (found in the AppScan® Source installation directory) to register the AppScan® Source database with the AppScan® Server
CRWAS2015E Data is not in JSON format. Verify the content type The post data does not appear to be in JSON format, or the header has an incorrect content type Correct the post data to contain valid JSON and ensure the header is sending the data as JSON
CRWAS2016E AppScan® Source user has not been defined. Have your Product Administrator define the user in AppScan® Source N/A None required
CRWAS2017E The server limit for concurrent sessions has been reached. No additional sessions can be granted until existing sessions are logged out or expire. Examine the AppScan Server logs for a list of connected sessions.
CRWAS2018E The session ID specified cannot be found in the list of active sessions. The session associated with this ID may have expired due to inactivity. The session ID expired as it is not in use for a long time. Regenerate a new Session ID that can be generated by re-executing the Login API. The Session ID can be fetched from the response body.
CRWAS2038E The current user does not have sufficient access to perform this request The current user does not have sufficient privileges to make this request. Login as a user with higher privileges. Talk to your administrator.
CRWAS2040E Invalid feature key creation request. POST data is missing. Verify that the POST data is in JSON format and that it contains the 'featurekey' property.
CRWAS2041E Invalid 'featurekey' property value. POST data is invalid. Modify the property value and resubmit
CRWAS2042E Invalid 'featurekey' value specified for login: "{0}". POST data for ’featurekey’ is invalid. Modify the value and resubmit
CRWAS2044E The requested URI has invalid syntax. N/A Correct the request and resubmit.
CRWAS2049E AppScan Source {0} client is not compatible with this version of the AppScan Enterprise Server. AppScan Enterprise Server version: {1}. The major.minor versioning category must match between the client and the server. Verify the version numbers.
CRWAS2052E The Application you are trying to access is invalid or does not exist anymore. N/A Verify the name of the application.
CRWAS2063E Failed to add default user {0} to AppScan® Source database. The AppScan® Source database might be down. Try again later
CRWAS2065E Save operation failed. A record with the same name already exists. N/A Create a unique name
CRWAS2071E To configure the server you need to login with a product administrator account: "{0}" An AppScan® Source user is supplying an invalid account to configure AppScan® Enterprise Server during AppScan® Source setup. Verify the account and try again
CRWAS2072E The AppScan® server is incorrectly configured: service account missing from N/A Run the configuration wizard
CRWAS2096E Invalid Import request N/A Make sure that you indicate a CSV file to import.
CRWAS2098E Unexpected error while deleting some applications. You might not have permission to delete applications N/A Get your product administrator to give you permissions to delete applications.
CRWAS2107E One or more attributes contain invalid data: {0}. There are several reasons why the data might be invalid: 1. You are trying to modify a predefined attribute, which cannot be changed. 2. The JSON format is incorrect, and therefore cannot be parsed. 3. You are trying to change the 'Type' of an attribute after it is set. * You can hide only a predefined attribute. * Validate the JSON format and resubmit the data. * Either delete the attribute and create a new one or create a new attribute with the 'type' you need.
CRWAS2118E The CSV file is empty N/A Check that you are trying to import the correct CSV file.
CRWAS2119E The following attribute or option names exist in a localized language: {0}. This message occurs if an English user adds an attribute that has the same name as a predefined attribute that is translated into a different language. Use a different name for the attribute
CRWAS2120E The following resources you were trying to update are out of date. Refresh and try updating again This message occurs when a user tries to publish an old collection. Refresh before continuing
CRWAS2121E This error response is returned on executing this API when you have entered an inappropriate timeline attribute in Enable Schedule section of the Content or ADAC job. The timeline attribute may be combination of Year, Month, Week, Day or Time with Hour or Minute units. None required
CRWAS2124E User "{0}" does not exist and an error occurred trying to add this user. N/A None required
CRWAS2132E The attribute requested for grouping does not exist A REST API was used to call an incorrect or deleted attribute. An administrator can re-enable the attribute through the application or issue profile
CRWAS2133E The selected attribute is disabled and cannot be used to group. A REST API was used to call an attribute that is disabled and cannot be used for grouping. Ask an administrator to enable the attribute and try again
CRWAS2134E The following attribute names are similar to existing attribute names, and either contain spaces or are case-sensitive. They cannot be saved in this format. {0} N/A Edit the attribute names and try saving again
CRWAS2135E The following attributes cannot be deleted because they are used in a scanner profile: {0}. N/A Delete the attribute from all Scanner profile templates that use it, and then delete it from the Issue profile template
CRWAS2136E Visibility of the following attributes cannot be changed: {0}. Some predefined attributes cannot be made visible in the UI. None required
CRWAS2137E The following scanner profiles cannot be created because there are already scanner profiles with the same names: {0}. N/A Save the profile with a different name.
CRWAS2139E The following option names are similar to existing option names, and either contain spaces or are case-sensitive. They cannot be saved in this format: {0}. N/A Correct the format and save again.
CRWAS2140E Invalid application ID N/A Make sure that this application exists.
CRWAS2141E At least one query parameter needs to be specified when you are calling appuserdata/updateapp. filters and routerPath do not need to be specified if sidebarstate is specified. Specify at least one query parameter
CRWAS2142E The scanner profile you are creating has no attributes defined. N/A Add some attributes to the issue profile template, and then map the issues in the scanner profile.
CRWAS2145E Cannot modify scanner profiles for attribute: {0}. N/A Make sure you have 'Modify Scanner Profile' permission. Contact your product administrator.
CRWAS2153E The following attributes required for determining the uniqueness of an issue were not found in the header of the CSV file: {0}. Import cannot continue. N/A Check the header of the CSV file and make the appropriate corrections. Then try importing the file again.
CRWAS2154E Cannot import issue at {0}. The attributes that contribute to uniqueness contain the following errors:{1} N/A Fix the errors and try importing the file again
CRWAS2155E The issue at {0} contains the following errors and was not imported: {1} N/A Fix the errors and try importing the file again
CRWAS2156E Data from row: {0} could not be imported due to an unknown error N/A None required
CRWAS2157E Date validation failed for attribute: "{0}" with value: "{1}". Date must be in one of these formats: "yyyy-MM-dd"T"HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd"T"HH:mm:ssZZ", "yyyy-MM-dd". N/A Fix the errors and make sure that you use double quotation marks.
CRWAS2158E The attribute value is not in the list of allowed values. [attribute: "{0}", value: "{1}"]. N/A Select an allowed value.
CRWAS2162E The requested issue does not exist The issue for the application was deleted or never existed. If you used a REST API, check that the correct issue ID was sent to the server
CRWAS2164E The issue attribute {0} cannot be modified because it is read-only These issue attributes cannot be modified: *attributes that contribute to an issue's uniqueness *date created *last updated *application name *scan name *issue type (for issues discovered by AppScan) *formula values (calculated based on other attribute values) *scanner None required
CRWAS2165E The following scanner profiles could not be saved due to invalid attribute mappings: {0} N/A Select a different attribute to map.
CRWAS2166E Scanner Profile: {0} contains the following invalid attribute mappings: {1} N/A Select a different type of attribute to map.
CRWAS2167E Attribute:{0}, Reason: 3rd Party attributes cannot be mapped to a Formula type Issue Attribute. N/A Select a different attribute to map
CRWAS2173E Unable to validate user. For more details, open a browser and search for: CWIML4520E: The LDAP operation could not be completed. {message details} There might be several reasons why the LDAP configuration is causing errors when it attempts to validate the product administrator user account: *Bind DN user name not found *Incorrect password *Unknown host name *Incorrect port *Invalid/untrusted LDAP server certificate (by using SSL) Open a browser and search for the LDAP error code to find details on the error and what action you must take. Refer to the following websites to help you debug the errors.

LDAP return codes and message descriptions

LDAP Invalid Credential Error Messages with Active Directory

CWIML WebSphere Application messages

CRWAS2174E Password must be a maximum of 256 characters.[{0}] [{0}] contains the name of the field that failed validation. Shorten the password and try again.
CRWAS2176E Data from {0} to {1} could not be imported due to an unknown error N/A None required
CRWAS2180E You do not have access to this test policy N/A Ask your administrator to give you permissions
CRWAS2182E You must select a .scant file template to create this job The REST method might be called with the wrong parameter. Check that the REST method is using the correct parameter.
CRWAS2183E The template has no report pack associated with it. N/A Associate a report pack to the template before creating the job.
CRWAS2184E Report packs for scant templates cannot have other jobs or templates assigned to them. Extra jobs or templates might have assigned to the report pack. Remove the extra jobs or templates from the report pack.
CRWAS2185E The If-Match header was not in the correct format. N/A The correct format can typically be obtained by performing a GET on the resource and examining the Last-Modified header
CRWAS2186E The .dast.config content was greater than 50 MB. N/A Upload a smaller .dast.config file.
CRWAS2187E If the .dast.config filename is specified in the Content-Disposition header, it must end with the .dast.config extension. N/A Append the .dast.config extension to the filename.
CRWAS2188E The Application ID cannot be updated A request that contains JSON attempted to change the Application ID. Resend the request
CRWAS2189E The Folder ID cannot be updated A request that contains JSON attempted to change the Folder ID. Resend the request
CRWAS2190E The job details could not be read from the multipart data A request that contains invalid JSON was sent. Fix the JSON and resend the request
CRWAS2191E The .dast.config configuration file specified when creating a job based on a .dast.config file must contain content. A request was sent that contains an empty .dast.config file. Make sure the .dast.config file contains valid content and resend the request
CRWAS2192E The job details were missing from the multipart data N/A Add the job details and try again
CRWAS2193E The .dast.config file contents were missing or empty A request was sent without specifying the .dast.config file. Specify the .dast.config file and send the request again
CRWAS2200E Value must be a maximum of 255 characters and not contain any control or format characters. [{0}] N/A Fix the errors and try entering the value again.
CRWAS2201E Value must be a maximum of 255 characters. [{0}] N/A Fix the errors and try entering the value again
CRWAS2202E Value must be a maximum of 1024 characters. [{0}] N/A Fix the errors and try entering the value again
CRWAS2203E Value must consist of comma separated positive integers. [{0}] N/A Fix the errors and try entering the value again
CRWAS2209E The following attribute required for determining the uniqueness of an issue was not found in the file: {1} N/A Make sure the file contains the required attribute for the issue at the specified location in the file.
CRWAS2210E Failed to process the XML file. N/A None required
CRWAS2211E An error occurred during processing the XML file. N/A Make sure that the file is free of XML syntax errors. [Location: {0}] Then try importing the file again.
CRWAS2212E A required tag was not found while processing the XML file Either the file was not exported from AppScan Standard or the exported file does not contain the required tags to import the file into AppScan Enterprise Make sure that the file contains the required tag. Then try importing the file again
CRWAS2213E An error occurred while processing a tag in the XML file. Make sure that the file is free of XML syntax errors. [Tag: {0}, Location: {1}] N/A Make sure that the file does not contain errors. Then try importing the file again.
CRWAS2218E The issue type ID was not recognized N/A None required
CRWAS2219E Serialization failure, details : {0} N/A None required
CRWAS2220E Scanning user license is required to create a scan job N/A Contact your HCL Sales Representative to get the proper license
CRWAS2221E Unexpected error while deleting the user. [userId:{0}, err:{1}] N/A None required
CRWAS2222E Skipping the issue at location {0}. Scanner {1} returned the following error: {2} N/A Fix the error and try importing the file again
CRWAS2223E The *.jar for scanner {0} cannot be found. Make sure that the file exists N/A As an administrator: 1. Make sure the *.jar file is in the <install-dir>\HCL\AppScan Enterprise\Liberty\usr\servers\<instance_name>\lib\scanners directory. 2. Restart the AppScan Enterprise Server service. 3. Open the Scanner Profile Template to make sure the scanner displays properly and that there are no errors. 4. Click Save to add the scanner to the database.
CRWAS2224E For scanner {0}, the saved issue attribute mapping and the mapping defined in the scanner's *.jar file do not match. N/A If you have updated the scanner file, ensure that the mapping in the file is saved. Then, try importing the file again
CRWAS2225E Import cannot start. The {0} scanner returned the following error message: {1} N/A Fix the error and try importing the issues again
CRWAS2226E The installation directory has not been configured properly. Re-run the Server Configuration Wizard N/A None required
CRWAS2227E A circular reference was detected in Formula '{0}'. N/A None required
CRWAS2228E Formula '{0}' is invalid N/A None required
CRWAS2229E Could not create temporary folder for generating reports N/A None required
CRWAS2230E The specified regulation template does not exist [Template: {0}]. N/A None required
CRWAS2231E The server is busy. Try again later N/A None required
CRWAS2232E The requested report does not exist [Id:{0}]. N/A None required
CRWAS2233E The report generation task has not completed yet. Try again later [Id:{0}]. N/A None required
CRWAS2234E An error occurred while generating the report [Id:{0}]. N/A None required
CRWAS2235E Value must be one of the items from the following set [Parameter: {0}, Set:{1}]. N/A None required
CRWAS2236E The string could not be compressed N/A None required
CRWAS2237E The regulations directory could not be found The regulations directory is part of the installation. There might be a manual modification the installation directory. Contact your administrator. They can try to reinstall AppScan Enterprise Server or contact HCL Technical Support
CRWAS2238E The category type mappings could not be retrieved The mappings are stored in the database; the database might be corrupted. Contact your administrator to investigate
CRWAS2239E Failed to parse *.asreg file : {0}. N/A Contact your administrator to investigate
CRWAS2240E No Standards found Standards are included in AppScan Enterprise. Ask the administrator to check the installation directory to see if the files are there
CRWAS2241E Requested standard does not exist N/A None required
CRWAS2243E Failed to get the report types N/A None required
CRWAS2244E A valid Standard is not provided. An invalid ID or alias for the industry standard was provided in the REST API. Use the alias or ID to query for a specific standard through the REST API, such as the OWASP Top Ten 2021 or the SANS/CWE Top Ten. The standardID can be specified as *standardId=number (for example, standardId=0) *standardId=~alias (for example, standardId=~owasp_top_10_2021) Make sure to use a valid ID and call the REST API again
CRWAS2247E The following scanners do not have a valid getInfo method: "{0}" The getInfo method returns the scanner's profile definition. If not implemented correctly, it returns error messages. Make sure the values in the getInfo method are valid and the method does not throw any exceptions
CRWAS2248E The following scanners do not return a valid JSON object from their getInfo methods: "{0}" N/A Make sure the getInfo method contains values that will return a valid JSON object.

Introducing JSON

CRWAS2249E The following scanners do not have a name: "{0}" Each scanner name must be unique. Give each scanner a unique name
CRWAS2250E Choose different names for the following scanners; their names are already used by these predefined scanners: "{0}". N/A None required
CRWAS2251E Choose different names for the following scanners; their names are already in use: "{0}". Each scanner name must be unique. N/A
CRWAS2252E The attribute mapping is not defined. Add it in the JSON object that is returned by the getInfo method of your scanner. [Scanner: {0}]" N/A N/A
CRWAS2253E The issue attribute "{0}" could not be found in the list of available Issue Attribute Names. Make sure that the attribute name is correct in the getInfo method, or add the attribute to AppScan Enterprise. [Scanner: {1}] N/A Add an issue attribute to AppScan Enterprise. See Step 3 in the topic referenced in the related information link.

Creating an issue profile template

CRWAS2255E No advisory information is available for the issue type Advisories are available through security rules updates, which typically occur in a major release, fixpack, or iFix. The current security rules update does not include an advisory for this issue type. If you are upgrading from an older database (or are importing an older AppScan Source or AppScan Standard scan), the issue type might be obsolete in this newer version of AppScan Enterprise. Rerun the scan, and if the issue still exists, a new issue is created in its place.
CRWAS2256E No fix recommendation information is available for the issue type Fix recommendations are available through security rules updates, which typically occur in a major release, fixpack, or iFix. The current security rules update does not include a fix recommendation for this issue type. N/A
CRWAS2257E Import cannot start. See the import summary log for more details and contact your product administrator There is an implementation error in the *.jar file that must be fixed. Fix the errors in the import summary log, or contact your administrator
CRWAS2258E The newProcessingTaskInit method of the scanner failed with the following error: {0} N/A None required
CRWAS2259E Failed to parse the JSON returned from the newProcessingTaskInit. Make sure that the newProcessingTaskInit method returns a valid JSON. Error: {0} N/A Fix the method and try again
CRWAS2260E The maximum number of nested "IF" conditions used in the issue formula editor cannot be more than 10 The SQL Server database has a limitation of 10 nested conditions. Remove one of the nested 'IF' conditions.
CRWAS2268E There is an inconsistency between the application names that are specified in ApplicationWithAttributes and attributeCollection fields. While an application was being updated through a REST API, two different application names were entered as a part of the JSON object. Check the fields and correct the application name
CRWAS2488E Invalid appid '{0}'. This occurs when calling a REST API with an invalid application ID due to either the appid is not a valid value, or you do not have enough permissions to use the API. Verify that you have Basic or Full access to the application.
CRWAS2292E This API response indicates that scan file of a scan job is not available for download. This response is returned because the application does not generate the scan file to download when you run this API by specifying an invalid job ID of a scan job or the job ID of scan job that is not executed. N/A
CRWAS2293E This API response indicates that a scan job template with the same name already exist in the AppScan Enterprise (ASE) application. This response is returned when you upload a job template having the same name matching an already existing template on ASE. N/A
CRWAS2315E API is already executing. Wait for API execution to complete before trying to execute it again. Only one instance of the API can run at any point. Parallel execution is not allowed. Wait for the current API execution to complete before trying to execute the API again.
CRWAS2329E {0} scanner issues import is not supported since this feature is deprecated in AppScan Enterprise. N/A None required