Configuring AppScan Source Database Service from AppScan Enterprise

You can configure the database service for AppScan Source through HCL AppScan Enterprise Configuration Manager after the AppScan Enterprise installation and configuration process is completed by the Server Configuration Wizard.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrator privileges in AppScan Enterprise and appropriate permissions to create a new database in MS-SQL to perform configuration.
  • You must have completed the following tasks:
    • Installed the AppScan Enterprise and initiated the server configuration through Server Configuration Wizard. See Installing AppScan Enterprise.
    • Noted the MS-SQL database server's Host name or IP address, Port number, Database name, Service port number details for you to enter in the Configuration Manager dialog box during database service configuration.
Note: At present, running the ASEAdminUtilmight not reset the service account password of HCL AppScan Database Service. You can reset this password either through Configuration Manager or manually reset the password in Windows Service properties. For information about workaround for service account password reset, see Known Issues and Workarounds.

About this task

After the Configuration Wizard completes the AppScan Enterprise server configuration process, you can either launch the HCL AppScan Enterprise Configuration Manager from this wizard or you can manually launch it by running the configuration manager.exe file available in the AppScan Enterprise installation directory.


  1. Launch the Configuration Manager by one of the following methods:
    • From the Server Configuration Wizard dialog box, select Launch AppScan Source Database Service check box. This check box is available for you only when server configuration is complete.


      1. After the AppScan Enterprise application installation is complete, navigate to the installation directory where AppScan Enterprise software is installed. For example: <installation directory>/AppScan Enterprise.
      2. Locate and run the ConfigurationManager.exe file.
    The HCL AppScan Enterprise Configuration Manager dialog box having the AppScan Source Database Service Details section is displayed.ASoC_DBService_Details
  2. Configure the database service for AppScan Source as described in the following table:
    Microsoft SQL Server Enter the Host name or IP address of the Microsoft SQL database server.
    Port Enter the port number of the machine where the Microsoft SQL server is running.
    Test Connections Click to validate the connection response of the Microsoft SQL server you are configuring.
    Enter the database name that is used by AppScan database service. If the database name you are specifying here is not existing, then a new database with the same name is created in the database server.
    Note: The database name you enter must be case sensitive and unique. It should be a different name other than the database used by AppScan Enterprise server.
    Storage Path

    Enter the path where AppScan database service saves the files related to AppScan Source. AppScan Source related files are stored in the database as meta-data, and also in the file-system (actual files).

    Note: You must not modify the storage path which you have entered during the initial setup. If you change the storage path, then the data stored in this path gets corrupted.
    Database Service Port Port number where you run the AppScan Database service. If you change this port number, then you must restart the AppScan Enterprise service to apply changes.
    Service Status
    Indicates the current status of the AppScan Database service. You may see one of the following status scenario:
    • Not Configured - If the service is not yet created or configured.
    • Stopped - If the service is configured, but not running.
    • Running - If the service is configured and running.

    Click Refresh to retrieve and display the latest status of AppScan Database service.

    Update Service Account Password Click to update the Log On password of the AppScan Enterprise service account for the database service.
    Save Click to save the configuration details of the database service and restart the database service to apply the updated configuration for database service.
    Exit Click to exit the configuration manager.


The database service is now configured with the AppScan Source. For more information about AppScan Source database service configuration, refer to AppScan Enterprise Configuration in AppScan Source.