Accessibility features for AppScan Enterprise

Accessibility features assist users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology content successfully.

Accessibility features

HCL® AppScan® Enterprise includes the following major accessibility features:
  • User interface keyboard navigation
  • Screen reader navigation
  • Tooltip help for links, buttons, messages, and other selections
  • Non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose
  • Methods are provided for skipping over navigation links to get to main content of the page
  • Captions are provided for prerecorded audio content in synchronized media
  • Visual focus indicators by way of cursors in editable objects and highlighted buttons, menu items, and other selections
  • Content can be displayed in high contrast and large font mode
  • Landmarks are used on the page to identify commonly found sections of web page content, such as banners, breadcrumbs, and tabs
  • Input errors that are automatically detected are identified and described in text
  • Web pages do not contain content that flashes more than three seconds
  • Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information
  • Documentation that includes hover-over image descriptions

AppScan Enterprise uses the latest W3C Standard, WAI-ARIA 1.0 (, to ensure compliance to US Section 508 (, and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 ( To take advantage of accessibility features, use the latest release of your screen reader in combination with the latest web browser that is supported by this product.

Keyboard navigation

This product uses standard navigation keys.
  1. During manual explore or recorded login, use the Tab key to navigate the links you want to explore and record. Use ALT+F4 to exit the recording browser window. Pausing or resuming the recording session is not available using keyboard shortcuts.
  2. Input errors detected provide the user with text descriptions: for required fields not completed (upon submit), when a user input falls outside the required values, and when input data is not in the list of allowed values. Required fields may not always have indicators.
  3. The DOM (Document Object Model) has been tagged with WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks which vastly improves keyboard navigation for the following: Data grouping, Accordion twisty, Regular twisty, breadcrumbs, navigational buttons, Quick scan Tabs, Help Tabs, ViewHTTPRequest tabs, Report Grid Tabs, About this Document tabs, About this Form tabs, About this Issue tabs, About this Page tabs, Dashboard tabs, Trend tabs, Report pack Summary layout tabs, and Security Dashboard tabs.
To navigate into the charts by using the keyboard, press the tab key until the focus is on the chart.
  1. Press the right arrow key to enter the chart, and press the down arrow key to focus on the axis of the chart.
  2. Use the down and up arrow keys to move between the axes of the chart. You can use the right arrow key to enter the elements of an axis, and use the left arrow key to return to the axis. Note: Key summary:
    • Enter a chart: Right arrow, down arrow
    • Navigate areas of a chart: Up and down arrow
    • Enter an area of a chart: Right arrow
    • Leave an area of a chart to move up a level: Left arrow

Interface information

The AppScan Enterprise user interfaces do not have content that flashes 2 - 55 times per second.

The AppScan Enterprise web user interfaces rely on cascading style sheets to render content properly and to provide a usable experience. The application provides an equivalent way for low-vision users to use a user’s system display settings, including high-contrast mode. You can control font size by using the device or web browser settings.

The AppScan Enterprise web user interface includes WAI-ARIA navigational landmarks that you can use to quickly navigate to functional areas in the application.

The DOM (Document Object Model) has been tagged with WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks which vastly improves keyboard navigation for the following: Data grouping, Accordion twisty, Regular twisty, breadcrumbs, navigational buttons, Quick scan Tabs, Help Tabs, ViewHTTPRequest tabs, Report Grid Tabs, About this Document tabs, About this Form tabs, About this Issue tabs, About this Page tabs, Dashboard tabs, Trend tabs, Report pack Summary layout tabs, and Security Dashboard tabs.

Related accessibility information

The AppScan Enterprise online product documentation in HCL Knowledge Center is enabled for accessibility and is viewable from a standard web browser. The accessibility features of HCL Knowledge Center are described at

HCL and accessibility

For more information about the commitment that HCL has to accessibility, see HCL Accessibility.