Define a new error page


  1. To add a new error page definition, click the add button (or, to edit an existing one, select it and click the Edit button).
    The Add error page dialog box appears.
  2. Select the location to identify the error pages either in the response content, path, or both in response content and the path.
  3. In the Value text box, enter the string. If you want to enter a regular expression, then select the Regular expression checkbox.
    Important: Incorrect error page definitions may cause both "false positive" and "false negative" results. Therefore, when you add or delete error pages after the Test stage of a scan, the scan results must be updated.
    • For tests where the previous definition indicated the success of a test, update the results by clicking Apply changes to current results
    • For tests where the previous definition indicated the failure of a test, you must re-test.
    By following these steps diligently, you contribute to the accuracy of your scan results and minimize the impact of misleading information.
  4. Click OK.
    The error page definition is added to the list of error pages. Any path or response content that matches the string or regular expression will be recognized by AppScan as an error page from now on.


Error page filtering examples