AppScan Go! Settings and Help menus

From the AppScan Go! Settings menu, you can authenticate your user account on the AppScan service, check for available updates manually, and turn automatic updating off or on. AppScan 360° users also can allow untrusted connections. The Help menu gives information about AppScan Go! and links to additional information and HCL support resources.

Account information

To access account information, select Settings > Account.

If you are not currently logged in to AppScan 360°, first provide a key ID and key secret, and enter the service URL.

If you are already logged in to AppScan 360°, the Account dialog box lists the current user, the user's organization, the key ID, and the URL of the AppScan service currently in use.

Click Logout to log out of the currently connected AppScan service.

Check for updates

To access the Check for updates dialog box, select Settings > Check for updates.

The Check for updates dialog box lists the current versions of AppScan Go! and the Static Analysis client (SAClientUtil).

To check for available updates manually, click Check for updates.

When an update to AppScan Go! is detected, follow prompts to download and install the update.

Allow untrusted connections

AppScan 360° users have the option of allowing untrusted connections to their AppScan service.

To access the Allow untrusted connections dialog box, select Settings > Allow untrusted connections.

Untrusted connections are not allowed by default. Move the toggle button to allow or disallow untrusted connections with AppScan 360°.

Help menu

The Help menu provides additional information and resources for AppScan Go! users:

  • Select Help > About to access the About AppScan Go! dialog box.
  • Select Help > FAQ to access the FAQ dialog box.

    Click on any of the questions to launch the online help in a new browser tab with information answering the question.

  • Select Help > Contact support to open the HCL Customer Support site in a new browser tab.