All applications

The Applications page lists all applications in your organization that are within the asset groups to which you are assigned. From the Applications page, you can create new applications and open individual application pages.

An AppScan 360° application is a collection of scans related to the same project. It can be a website, a desktop application, a mobile app, a web service, or any component of an application. Applications enable you to assess risk, identify trends, and make sure that your project is compliant with industry and organization policies.
Tip: If there are no applications on this page, you must create one before you can run any scans.

All applications page options

Option Description
Create a new application See Creating, editing, and deleting applications.
Filters To filter the list of applications, click Filters, select the applicable filters and then click Apply. To remove all applied filters, click Clear all.
Columns By default, the columns show risk rating, application name, and a few other application attributes. You can:
  • Choose from more attributes by clicking the column drop-down list.
  • Remove columns by clearing check boxes.
  • Drag-and-drop column headers to change the order of the columns shown.
  • Click a column header to order entries.
Edit icon Click this icon at the end of any row to edit that specific application's attributes: name, business impact, asset group, and more. See Application attributes.