Managing asset groups

From the details pane of an asset group, you can manage the group details, add and move applications, add and remove members, and control how issues are propagated across applications.

About this task

Only administrators can see the User Management capabilities.


  1. Select () Access management > Asset groups.
  2. Click the target asset group to open the detail pane on the right.
    From here, you can manage the asset group. You can view details, associated applications, members of the asset group, and control whether scan issues are propagated from one application to another. You can also delete asset groups.
  3. To manage asset group details:
    1. Click the Details tab.
    2. Click the pencil to edit the asset group contact.
    3. Click the pencil to edit the asset group description.
    4. You can view the details when the asset group was created and by whom for asset groups created after the redesign.
  4. To delete an asset group:
    Note: Users with default roles like Administrator or Manager, as well as those with custom roles that have the delete asset group permission, can access this feature.

    Possible workflows for deleting an asset group:

    1. If you have an asset group with no associated applications, simply click Delete asset group and select the Yes, delete the asset group checkbox and click Delete asset group.
    2. For asset groups with associated applications and members, choose the appropriate flow based on your requirement:
      • To delete the asset group along with all associated applications, including scans and findings: Click Delete asset group, select Delete all associated applications and click Delete asset group. Select the checkbox on the confirmation dialog and click Delete asset group.
      • To move the associated applications to another asset group: Click Delete asset group, select Move to another asset group and select the asset group you want to move this application to and click Delete asset group. Select the checkbox on the confirmation dialog and click Delete asset group.
      • To move both the associated applications and all members to another asset group: Click Delete asset group, select Move to another asset group and select the asset group you want to move this application to and the Also move all its members checkbox and then click Delete asset group. Select the checkbox on the confirmation dialog and click Delete asset group.
  5. To manage applications in the asset group:
    1. Click the Applications tab.
    2. Click Add applications to add applications to the group.
      In the Add applications dialog box, filter and select applications individually or by asset group. Click Add when done.
      • Applications can belong to only one asset group.
      • The Added by and Date added columns may not have values for asset groups created before the redesign. However, these values will now be available when you add or move applications.
    3. To move an application, select an application and click Move to another group.
      In the Move applications dialog box, select the asset group to which you want to move the application, and click Move. For example, you might want to move all applications owned by a particular business owner. Only the applications that don't belong to the current asset group will appear in the list.
  6. To manage members of the asset group:
    1. Click the Members tab.
    2. To add members, click Add members.
      In the Add members dialog box, select a member and click Add.
      Note: If you have added all members in your organization, the Add members option will no longer be available.
    3. To remove a member, click the X next to the member's name.
  7. To propagate issue status across applications:
    1. Click the Settings tab.
    2. Click Change.
      Choose whether to propagate Fixed and/or Noise issues across applications, and click Change.
  8. Click X in the upper right of the details pane to close it.