Troubleshooting ASCP

First steps

If you experience issues, first check the following:
  • Ensure the AppScan 360° FQDN is defined in the DNS server.
  • Verify all AppScan 360° pods are running.
  • Enter the AppScan 360° URL to see the service.

Login issues

If you have issues logging in to AppScan 360°, try the following:
  • Verify that the AppScan 360° cluster can connect to the database machine.
  • Verify that the AppScan 360° database was created successfully on the database machine.
  • Verify that the SQL server is configured to allow remote connections.
  • Verify that the AppScan 360° cluster can connect to the LDAP server.
  • Check the LDAP configuration in the AppScan 360° kit configuration file.

Log files

The following logs may help troubleshooting AppScan 360°:
  • Installation logs are located in the AppScan 360° the folder containing the extracted kit:
  • Application logs are located ASCP shared storage. For example, if accessed from within the pod:

    Application logs are limited to 2MB. Once this limit is reached, another log is created, up to ten log files total.

  • Microservice logs pertain to platform activities. Each microservice generates its own log file, with the filename prefixed by the microservice name.
  • Scan logs contain detailed information about scan executions, including progress updates, metrics, and debug information. They are specific to each scan execution and also can be downloaded from the AppScan 360° user interface.


HCL Customer Support

To facilitate efficient troubleshooting assistance, include the following:
  • For installation issues, include the installation logs
  • For scan issues, include the contents of the scan directory (<fileStorageRoot>/SaaSWorkingDirectory/SaaSStorage/Scans/<scanID>/<ExecutionID>/), including the scanned application (.irx file or .war/.jar/.zip source file for static analysis) and any scan logs. For additional information on troubleshooting scans, see Troubleshooting static analysis scans.