Installing the AppScan Remediation Advisories

Installing the AppScan Remediation Advisories is a multi-step process:
  1. Download AppScan Remediation Advisories installation file to the folder from which you installed ASCP.
  2. Run the AppScan Remediation Advisories installation files.
Note: Perform all installation and configuration activities as an Administrator on the target system.

Installing AppScan Remediation Advisories

To install the AppScan Remediation Advisories:
  1. Download the AppScan Remediation Advisories installation file from HCL License and Download Portal to the same folder to which you installed ASCP.
  2. Provide executable permission to the installer by running
  3. Run the installation file, specifying registry information in the command line.
    For example: -- [registry information] -f  ~/.docker/config.json
    You can specify registry information in one of three ways:
    • Directly. For example:
      $ ./ -- -server <registry[:port]> -f  ~/.docker/config.json

      This method pushes the AppScan Remediation Advisories image to the registry and installs Helm. It does not attempt to create a secret, but verifies that a secret is available in the cluster.

    • From the configuration file specified during ASCP installation. For example:
      $ ./ -- -config <> -f  ~/.docker/config.json

      The method pushes the AppScan Remediation Advisories image to the registry and installs Helm, and creates or replaces the secret.

    • From a separate configuration file. For example:
      $ ./ -- -file <docker_config_file> -f  ~/.docker/config.json

      This method The method pushes the AppScan Remediation Advisories image to the registry and installs Helm, uses the config file as input to create a secret.yaml file for Helm, and removes any existing secret in the cluster.

      If you choose to use a separate configuration file, the file must contain the following information:
      • CK_DOCKER_REGISTRY_ADDRESS=<registry[:port]>



  4. When installation is complete, you see an appropriate message:
Important: To run scans you must activate AppScan 360° with a license key.