IRX file is too large to analyze


AppScan 360° is unable to scan a generated IRX file due to size.


The most common reason an IRX file is particularly large is the inclusion of third-party libraries and/or code in a scan. Third-party dependencies should be available for the scan, but we do not recommend analyzing them directly.


When you generate an IRX file in AppScan 360°, AppScan 360° also creates an archive of logs named <scan name> Review the scan.manifest file within that archive to see what files are being scanned. If there are numerous third-party files listed in non-Open Source language sections of the scan.manifest file, and thus being scanned, use an appscan-config.xml file to limit the scope of the scan to just your files and code. See Configuring IRX file generation with the CLI for details about creating an appscan-config.xml file.

Note: Third-party libraries listed under the Open Source language are normal and do not affect the size of the IRX.

If your scan does not contain third-party artifacts, contact HCL Customer Support for additional assistance.