Global commands (Windows)

Use global commands to display CLI help and Static Analyzer Command Line Utility version information.

appscan help


appscan help <command>


Display help for all commands or an individual command.

Optional flags/settings:

  • <command>: To display the help for an individual command, specify it here.
Tip: For all commands, options can be used in any order.


To see the help for the prepare command, specify this:

appscan help prepare

appscan version


appscan version


Display the Static Analyzer Command Line Utility version.

appscan update


appscan update
appscan checkUpdate


Checks if there is a new update is available on the HCL AppScan 360° server. If a new version is available this command downloads and installs it into the same location as the current version.

If the default package name is used for the current SAClientUtil installation (for example, C:\SAClientUtil.8.0.nnnn), after update is completed, the version string is removed from the directory name (for example, C:\SAClientUtil). If a custom name is used for SAClientUtil directory, that name is retained after update. (for example, C:\MySAClient).

If there is no new update available from the server, the user is notified.


appscan checkUpdate
Check if an update is available on the server before actually updating the product. If an update is available, the user is notified, including updated version number. For example, "An update is available. Version: 8.0.1401."
appscan update

Checks if there is an update available on the server, then it downloads and installs it, notifying the user as follows:

C:\SAClientUtil.8.0.1400\bin\appscan update 

An update is available. Version: 8.0.1401 
Downloading the update...
Extracting the update... 
Update complete. 

New version is located at: C:\SAClientUtil
Note: On Windows systems, using a UNC path to run the SAClientUtil update command is not supported.