System requirements for ASCP

System requirements and supported operating systems and languages for the AppScan Central Platform. Also learn about the supported browsers and minimum resolution for the service.

Operating system

  • Windows Server 2019 OS or higher, with IIS Web Server enabled.
    Tip: To enable IIS:
    1. In Server Manager, select Add Roles > Features.
    2. Select IIS and complete the wizard without changing any of the default settings.
  • PowerShell version 5.1.
    Important: Later versions are not supported.

The security setting of the server that hosts HCL AppScan 360° is the responsibility of the customer. If your organization has its own policy, the server should follow that policy. If no policy is in place, we recommend following OWASP recommendations:


AppScan 360° uses two types of storage. The storage space needed depends largely on the number of scans and the size of the application being scanned. As a guideline, the average size of storage required for a single scan execution is:
  • MSSQL server DB storage: 150 KB
  • File storage: 10 MB
Estimated storage per number of scan executions:
Scan executions 1,000 100,000 1,000,000
MSQL server storage 150 MB 15 GB 150 GB
File storage 10 GB 1 TB 10 TB

Recommended minimum storage size for both the database and file storage is 200GB each.

You can manually delete old scans to save space.

CPU and memory

CPU and memory requirements depend on the number of users and expected workload, and may be more than the minimum recommended below. Your workload is influenced by factors such as how active your users are, how much automation you use, size of the application, and the frequency of scans.

Minimum recommended:
CPU hardware 4-core 8-core
Memory 16 GB 32 GB


  • Database installation, management, backup, maintenance, and licensing are the user’s responsibility.
  • MSSQL Server 2019 and above are supported.
  • Before installing HCL AppScan 360°, make sure to have a user with db_creator permissions.
  • AppScan recommends installing the SQL server on a separate machine to the ASCP.


AppScan 360° supports the latest versions of the following browsers:
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Firefox

Identity Provider

Two local users are created during the installation process.
Administrator Application Manager
Username Admin User
Password Admin12! User12!

To onboard additional users, HCL AppScan 360° requires Microsoft Active Directory. See XREF TBD.

Screen resolution

The recommended screen resolution for HCL AppScan 360° is 1920 x 1080.