Configuring Groups

Initially, these two groups have the same permissions, except for the default start page. Unica Discover Admin users start on the Portal Management page by default, while Unica Discover Users start on the default search template page.

For each group, you should review the following settings at a minimum:

Default Password Expiration
The number of days that a password is allowed to be used before all members of the group must choose a new one.
Password Expiration Warning Period
The number of days prior to password expiration that a user begins to receive Portal warning messages to change it before it expires.
Default Portal Navigation Menu
If set to Disable, members of this group cannot see the top-level Portal navigation menu and can access only Portal pages available through their defined default page.
Default Log User Out If Idle
If set to Enable, members of this group are automatically logged out of the Portal if their accounts are idle for a specified period of time.
  • You can change the idle timeout setting.
Default Lock Replay Mode
If set to Disable, members of this group cannot change their Replay Mode.
Default Replay Mode
Defines the replay mode for the group.
Default Search Template
You can select the default search template to display to members of this group from the drop-down.

Additionally, you should review the options available by selecting each of the following buttons at the top of the settings pane:

  • Assign Users - To assign a user to the selected group, click the Assigned checkbox and click Save.
  • Menu Profile - Make selections in the menu tree to define the pages to which members of this group can access. The default settings for Unica Discover groups should provide adequate access.
    Note: By default, the Unica Discover Admin group has additional menu permissions to see monitoring reports, such as Activity Reports and Active Status, which may be used to verify system status and to diagnose problems reported by user group members.
  • Administration Profile - You can select the areas of the Portal Management page to which the group members have access.
    Note: The group must have the Portal Management page in its menu profile. Access to these areas should be reserved for administrator groups.
  • Search Profile - The Search Profile defines the options available to the members of this group on the Search page, as well as the specific search templates that they can access.
  • Browser Replay Profile - For groups with access to Replay, this profile controls the actions and permissions available to group members when using Replay.

After you have configured group-level settings, you can make adjustments to individual user accounts. To see the user settings, click the Users link in the left navigation pane under Unica Discover User Administration.

  • See "User Administration" in the Unica Discover Administration Manual.