Archiving session data

You can archive session data. Archive tasks are used to archive the session based on servers, data set, and data filters.


  1. From the Unica Discover Portal, select Data Export > Session Archiving.
    The Session Archiving page appears.
  2. Click Configured Tasks.
  3. Click + Add Task icon.
  4. Select Session File Task.
  5. Enter Name.
    The Name must not contain the following characters:
    • #
    • &
    • *
    • ?
    • |
    • ' or "
    • : or ;
    • / or \
    • { or }
    • < or >
  6. Enter Description.
  7. Select Scheduling.
  8. Select Daily Extract Option.
  9. Select Extraction Period.
  10. Enter the Post Command.
  11. Select the Run post command on failled task, if you want the post command to run on failure.
  12. Select the Active check box, if you want this task to run on this schedule.
  13. Select the second tab to select the server.
    On this tab, you specify the server from which to extract data.
  14. Select the check box for theUnica Discover Servers from which to extract data.
  15. Select the Data Set tab.
  16. Select the Exclude Single Hit Session check box, if you want to exclude sessions composed of a single request and single response.
  17. Select the Enable Custom Search String check box, if you want to search based on a custom string.
  18. Enter the custom extract search string in the String field.
  19. Select the Custom Search String appears on same page check box, if you want the search criteria to match the custom extract search string and match the other search parameters for the task must be on the same page.
  20. Select the Destination tab.
    On this tab, you specify the destination of the archive, depending on the type of archive.
  21. Select the Digital Signature tab.
    On this tab, you apply a digital signature to the exported PDF, which ensures that the file can not be altered without detection. Applying a digital signature is optional.
  22. To enable the digital signature, select the Enable check box.
  23. Enter the Certification path.
  24. Enter the Certificate password.
  25. Select the PDF Page Fields tab.
    On this tab, you specify the data fields that are written into the meta data of the PDF file.
  26. Select one of the options, Set All, Clear All, or select an individual data field to include.
  27. Select the Notification tab.
    On this tab, you specify the email addresses that should be notified of task status update.
  28. Select To: and enter the email addresses.
    To enter more than one email address, enter the addresses in a comma seperated format.
  29. Select Cc: and enter the email addresses.
    To enter more than one email address, enter the addresses in a comma seperated format.
  30. Select Bcc: and enter the email addresses.
    To enter more than one email address, enter the addresses in a comma separated format.
  31. Click Save, when you have finished entering all of the information for this session.